The Study Quran Translation

And when God is mentioned alone, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter recoil. But when those apart from him are mentioned, behold, they rejoice. [39:45 – The Study Quran]

The translators of the Quran and the editors of THE STUDY QURAN validate that they do not follow nor observe God’s Words and commandments in the Quran. They demonstrate the condition of the majority of those who call themselves Muslims (the Arabic word Muslim translates in English as Submitter) who have either no knowledge of the Quran or if they do have the knowledge they simply do not obey God’s Words in the Quran.

Their translation (used here) states that the Quran is fully detailed for religious law and the only acceptable Hadith and Sunnah. BELIEF in God dictates that God should be BELIEVED. The editors and translators of this project do not believe nor submit to God’s own Words in the Quran.


Say, “What thing is greatest as testimony?” Say, “God is witness between you and me. And this Quran has been revealed unto me, that thereby I may warn you and whomsoever it may reach. Do you bear witness there are other gods beside God?” say, “I bear no such witness.” Say, “He is only One God, and truly I am quit of that which you ascribe as partners unto him.” [6:19]

. . –We have neglected nothing in the book- . . [6:38]

(Say) “Shall I seek a judge apart from God, when it is He Who has sent down unto you the book, expounded?” Those unto whom We have given the Book know that it has been sent down from thy Lord in truth; so be not among the doubters. [6:114]

The Word of Thy Lord is fulfilled in truth and justice. None alters His Words, and He is the Hearing, the knowing. [6:115]

We have indeed brought them a Book, which We have expounded with knowledge, as a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe. [7:52]

Following a source other than Quran is but idolatry (18:27) as a god other than God is being followed for religious law.


Islam (the Arabic word Islam translates in English as submission) is called the Religion of Abraham in the Quran. We produce the following translated verses from The Study Quran to point out that ours is indeed the Religion (Creed) of Abraham, and to point out that the translators left the Arabic word, a hanif, untranslated. Hanif translates as monotheist.

And who shuns the creed of Abraham, but a foolish soul? We chose him in this world and in the Hereafter he shall be among the righteous. [2:130]

And they say, “Be Jews or Christians and you shall be rightly guided.” Say, “Rather [ours is] the creed of Abraham, a hanif, and he was not of the idolaters,” [2:135]

Say, “Truly my Lord has guided me unto a straight path, an upright religion, the creed of Abraham, a hanif, and he was not of the idolaters.” [6:161]

Then we revealed unto thee, “Follow the creed of Abraham, a hanif, and he was not among the idolaters.” [16:123]


Just like the Arabic word Hanif is untranslated above, The Study Quran translators and editors could have left the Arabic Words Hadith and Sunnah untranslated in the following verses. Leaving those two words untranslated would make sense as those words are increasing referred to in the media.

However, had The Study Quran translators and editors left the Arabic Words Hadith and Sunnah untranslated, the bottom would fall out of their entire project. The Quran makes it clear that the only Hadith to be followed is the Quran itself and no Hadith other than the Quran can be followed. We have inserted in the following translated verses the Arabic Word Hadith and the Arabic Word Sunnah.

Certainly in their stories is a lesson for those possessed on intellect. It is not a fabricated account (Hadith); rather, it is a confirmation of that which came before it, and an elaboration of all things, and a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe. [12:111]

So in what discourse (Hadith) after this will they believe? [77:50]

These are the signs of God that we recite unto thee in truth. So in what discourse (Hadith) after God and His signs do they believe? [45:6]

So leave Me with those who deny this discourse (Hadith). We shall lead them on little by little, whence they know not. [68:44]

So in what discourse (Hadith) after this will they believe. [7:185]

And among mankind are those who purchase idle discourse (Hadith) to lead astray from the way of God without knowledge and who take it in mockery; for them there shall be humiliating punishment. [31:6]

God has sent down the most beautiful discourse (Hadith), a Book con-similar, paired, whereat quivers the skin of those who fear their Lord. [39:23]


Sunnah means system. The Quran only refers to God’s system and never to the Prophet’s system nor the messenger’s system nor to Mohammad’s system.

[That is] the wont (Sunnah) of God that came to pass aforetime; and you will find no alteration in the wont (Sunnah) of God. [48:23]

But their believing benefited them not when they saw Our Might. [That is} the wont (Sunnah) of God which has been passed among His servants; and the disbelievers were then lost. [40:85]

Thou shalt find no alteration in the wont (Sunnah) of God, and thou shalt find no change in the wont (Sunnah) of God. [35:43]

[That is] the wont (Sunnah) of God with those who passed before; and you will find no alteration in the wont (Sunnah) of God. [33:62]


The first commandment – you shall not worship except God – is central to The Quran, the Torah, the Gospel and the Creed of Abraham.

God bears witness that there is no god but He, as do the angels and the possessors of knowledge, upholding justice. There is no god but He, the Mighty the Wise. [3:18]

Know, then, that there is no god but God, and ask forgiveness for thy sin and for the believing men and believing women. God knows your coming and going, and your abode. [47:19]

Say, “I am only a warner, and there is no god but God, the One, the Paramount. [38:65]

Indeed, when it is said unto them, “There is no god but God,” they waxed arrogant. [38:65]


The Quran forbids us in making any distinction among God’s messengers. The Religion of Submission (In Arabic: Islam) is a Religion of God. It is not a religion about Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, who among others were merely messengers of God.

Say, “We believe in God, and in that which was sent down unto us, and in that which was sent down on Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in what Moses and Jesus were given, and in what the prophets were given from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them, and unto him we submit. [2:136]

The messenger believes in what was sent down to him from his Lord, as do the believers. Each believes in God, His Angels, His Books, and His messengers. “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. Thy forgiveness, our Lord! And unto Thee is the journey’s end.” [2:285]

Say, “We believe in God, and in that which was sent down unto us, and in that which was sent down upon Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in what Moses, Jesus and the prophets were given from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them, and unto him we submit. [3:84]

But those who believe in God and His messengers and make no distinction between them – unto them He will give their rewards. God is forgiving, Merciful. [4:152]


And the Messenger will say, “O my Lord! Truly my people have taken this Quran for foolishness.” [24:30]

And so too have the translators and editors of The Study Quran taken the Quran as foolishness.

The translation has 1996 pages, sure to turn off anyone seeking a study of the Quran, even though the translation itself covers 1584 pages. Less than 20% of the words in the translation are the actual translated words of the Quran.

The translators and editors of The Study Quran suppress the Words of God in the Quran to the words of humans. They attribute reverence to those human’s words written centuries after the revelation of the Quran. They call those human words Hadith & Sunnah. As the Quran and their own translation states the only acceptable Hadith and the only acceptable Sunnah are the words of the Quran.

The Sunnis, Shias and the various sects in Islam have no differences about the Quran. Each sect has its own “authentic” Hadith. Each sect draws conclusions about various verses of the Quran through the lenses of their Hadith. So too have the translators and editors of The Study Quran. The simple and clear verses and the words of the Quran are drowned by the words of humans. The Creator’s Words are secondary to the words of God’s human creatures to the translators and editors of The Study Quran.

By giving the words of men in Hadith and Sunnah abrogation authority, over the Word of GOD in the Quran the translators and editors of The Study Quran have committed the very thing GOD commanded not to do in verses 6:114-115.

The Hadith and Sunnah literature may be valuable as sources of history but none of them can be used to derive meanings of the Quran. All interpretation and meaning should be derived in light of the Quran.


O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if they were disclosed to you, would trouble you. And if you ask them while the Quran is being sent down, they will be disclosed to you. God has pardoned this, and God is Forgiving, Clement. [5:101]


Obey God and His Messenger.
Where do we find details about Salat in the Quran?

One thought on “The Study Quran Translation

  1. Mike Jackson

    Salaam Masood,

    Great article. Everything you stated is fully supported by the verses of the Quran. As you know, throughout the Quran the prophet is commanded by GOD what to ‘say’ (qul) to the people precisely 332 times. On page 1716 of The Study Quran the translators and editors refer to a single hadith to justify hadith, not as supplemental to the Quran but to elevate it above the Quran as a source of Islamic law. Here is the actual hadith extracted from page 1716 of the Study Quran:

    “I was given the Quran and with it its similitude; soon a day will come when a man of full stomach reclining on his couch shall say: “Go to the Quran; whatever you find permitted therein, consider it as permitted, and whatever you find prohibited therein, then prohibit it”; yet that which the Messenger of has prohibited is equal to that which GOD has prohibited; indeed, the meat of the domestic ass as meat is prohibited unto you; and so is the meat over every wild beast with molars.”36

    This is how they justify all their extra-Quranic rules and prohibitions. Yet, in 66:1-2 of the Quran GOD corrects the prophet when he attempted to prohibit something GOD did not. This indicates the prophet was not authorized to make laws beyond the Quran.

    Ironically, their entire argument for the necessity of extra-Quranic sources of religious law, itself comes from extra-Quranic sources. This is akin to saying, “we need hadith because hadith says so.” Circular reasoning, indeed. Like you said, “By giving the words of men (Hadith and Sunnah) abrogation authority over the word of GOD (Quran) the translators and editors of The Study Quran committed the very thing GOD commanded not to do in 6:114-115.”

    Belief in GOD requires believing GOD when He says something in the Quran. However, ‘The Study Quran’ is anything but the study of the Quran but rather a study of the ‘interpretations’ of the Quran according to their hadiths and sunnah.

    Praise be to God, your article was very good and accurate from a Quranic standpoint.



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