Where do we find details of Salat in the Quran?


“Where in the Quran do we find details how to perform Salat?”

There are two implications of the Question above:

1. An implication that challenges God’s assertion in the Quran that the Quran is fully detailed.

2. An implication that Hadith contains the details of Salat and therefore Hadith other than the Quran can be used for religious practice and rituals. The fact is that there is NO hadith which gives us details of how to perform Salat. God controls everything. Since God has condemned all Hadith other the Quran  (The Quran is the only acceptable hadith), it is God’s will that any hadith other than the Quran, not contain the any details of Salat.

Those who are knowledgeable of the Quran know that there are two sources for the religion of Submission (Islam).

1. The Quran which fully details all religious LAW.
2. Religious practices given to Prophet Abraham and passed on to us generation to generation since the time of Prophet Abraham.

Salat existed prior to Prophet Muhammad.

The Quran only corrects religious practices corrupted at the time of Muhammad as well as religious practices corrupted now. The following are some specific examples of how Salat has been corrupted now; which is similar to how salat was corrupted at the time of Prophet Muhammad.


Ablution: Verse 5:6 give four steps for ablution. However, most Muslims have additional steps.

[5:6] O you who believe, when you observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), you shall: (1) wash your faces, (2) wash your arms to the elbows, (3) wipe your heads, and (4) wash your feet to
the ankles.


The overwhelming majority of the mosques of the world do not follow the following crucial commandment. The name of Muhammad is placed next to the name of God in most mosques. The name of Muhammad is called upon together with the name of God in Azaan. The muslims nullify their Salat by adding the name of Muhammad to the shahaada decreed by God “La ellaha ella Allah” [3:18 & other verses]

[72:18] The places of worship to God; do not call on anyone else besides God.


[2:37] Adam received from his Lord words, whereby God redeemed him; He is the Redeemer, Most Merciful.

Adam had to utter specific words in order to be redeemed by God. Similarly, God has given us specific words – the words of Sura 1, Al fatihah, in order to establish daily contact (salat) with Him, in order to be redeemed. It is God’s will that muslim masses all over the world know that the 786 stands for Basmallah or verse 1 of Sura Al-fatihah. 786 is the gematrical value of Basmallah which has 19 arabic letters.

Some Muslims when praying in congregation ignore the first numbered verse of the Quran, the first verse of sura Al-fatihah. When they reach the end of Al-fatihah, they shout in unison: “AAAAMEEEN” – a non-arabic, a non-Quranic word!!!!


The Quran commands us to use a moderate tone is Salat. Some Muslims remain silent is certain parts of their Salat.

[17:110] You shall not utter your Contact Prayers (Salat) too loudly, nor secretly; use a MODERATE tone.


After reciting Al-fatihah the potential muslims recite other chapters from the Quran. One of their favorites is Sura 112. What logical sense does it make that when we are performing contact prayers (salat) we tell God, “Say/Proclaim, `He is the One..'”!?

Sura 112:1-4 is reproduced below.

[112:1-4] Proclaim, “He is the One and only GOD.
“The Absolute GOD.
“Never did He beget. Nor was He begotten.
“None equals Him.”


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