Category Archives: Corruption of Submission-Islam

Falsification of the Quran in MENTAL BONDAGE

Falsification of the Quran is promoted on Paigham Mustafa’s website. The book is written under a pseudonym name of ‘Aidid Safar.’ The translation of the Quran in MENTAL BONDAGE matches the translation of the Quran by Paigham Mustafa.


The website promotes a ‘deen’ in which all religious duties are eliminated by redefining basic words of salaat, zakat, siam, hajj, umrah, deen among others in which an individual serves God instead of worship.

Humans chose to come to this world with freedom or free will (33:72). We are tested (67:2, 18:7) in this temporary world for our future destiny in the Hereafter.

God has blessed us with religious practices of Contact Prayers (Salat), Obligatory Charity (Zakat), Fasting and for those who can afford it, Pilgrimage. These religious practices are a gift from God which allows us to nourish our soul to prepare for the Day of Judgement.

A person carrying out such religious practices is expected to follow all other Quran commandments.

A person who performs religious duties but fails to carry out other Quranic commandments will qualify as a hypocrite.

A person who performs good deeds in line with Quran commandments but does not perform religious duties is like one trying to survive on snacks.  Compare this to gift of God of religious duties which will qualify as nourishing meals.

And a person who performs good deeds but disbelieves in God, “their works are like ashes in a violent wind, on a stormy day. They gain nothing from whatever they earn; such is the farthest straying” per 14:18

A person who does not dedicate religious practices to God alone (72:18) and brings up names next to God is guilty of shirk or association or idolatry. Verse 14:18 will also apply to such an individual. [Majority of Muslims fail to dedicate their religious practices to God alone].


Mr. Paigham Mustafa butchers God’s gift of religious duties in his translation and books, while failing to grasp the principles above.

In his translation:

Salat or Contact Prayers is translated as commitments
Zakat or Obligatory Charity is translated as purity
Hajj or pilgrimage is translated as challenge
Fasting is translated as self-discipline


1. Judaism was corrupted by man-made Mishna, Gamarra and Talmud.

2. Christianity was founded after Jesus’s death together with Trinity fabricated centuries later in Nicene.

3. Like the Christians and Jews, the Muslims today follow man-made words of Hadith written centuries after the revelation of the Quran.

4. The Quran in numerous verses commands us not to make distinction among God’s messengers (2:185).

5. The Quran is fully detailed for religious law. “Shall I seek other than God as an authority of law when He has revealed this book fully detailed? (6:114)”

6. Quran is the best hadith (39:23) and no hadith other than the Quran can be followed (77:50).

7. The woman’s hair covering was adopted from Jewish literature.


In the book, the author poses a challenge to prove him wrong based on the Quran ALONE. It is a good challenge. However, while posing this challenge the author luxuriates himself on non-Quranic sources and falsehoods to justify his newly promulgated religion. In addition, the writer takes untruths and fringe beliefs to justify his new religion, and the definitions within it. Here are some examples.

1. Source of rituals is Hadith. This is false. God has condemned all Hadith other than the Quran itself and thus the rituals of religious duties is not in Hadith. There is no Hadith which gives complete details of Salat, as an example.

2. Abraham’s wife searching for water is a reason for one of the rituals of Hajj. This is false. “The knolls of Safa and Marwah are among the rites decreed by GOD. Anyone who observes Hajj or `Umrah commits no error by traversing the distance between them” 2:158. The rite is based on the commandment in this verse and has nothing to do with the borrowed story of the hadith writers from the Jewish literature.

3. All the world was flooded with water at the time of Noah. This is false. The Quran does not support this. “We carried him on a watercraft made of logs and ropes” 54:13. Noah’s flood was a localized flood punishing that community.

4. No messengers prior to Muhammad travelled to Mecca. False again. Psalms 84:6 refers to the valley of Becca.

5. No one before Muhammad did salaat (contact prayers). Incorrect.

“Their Contact Prayers (Salat) at the shrine (Ka`bah) were no more than a mockery and a means of repelling the people ..,” 8:35.

In addition, the Quran mentions prophets after Abraham practicing Salaat (contact prayers).

6. Why must everyone recite (salaat) in Arabic? The author may not be familiar with the mathematical structure of the Quran and specifically the structure of Sura 1. Al-fatiha translates as The Key, to open (fatiha). The mathematically structured Arabic of Sura 1 is the key to establish contact for the Contact prayer (Salaat).

7. Some fringe beliefs utilized by the writer, which have no basis in the Quran

a. Kissing the stone.
b. God lives in the house.
c. Calling zakat compulsory tithe.
d. Projecting zakat as 2.5% payment to mosque.


The above sample of beliefs of the author forms the foundation of the book MENTAL BONDAGE with the associated translation of the Quran, in which the most basic words of the Quran are redefined.


The Quran is fully detailed for religious law, not rituals of religious duties. Quite a few, who uphold the banner of God alone and Quran alone fail to grasp this simple truth. The Quran calls our religion, the Religion of Abraham, and informs us that all religious duties and the rituals associated with them were given to Abraham and have come to us generation to generation.

Prophet Muhammad learnt the rituals of salat (and other religious duties) from his elders. As the Quran was revealed to him, he corrected his corrupted inherited rituals based on the Quran. The same system is in place now.


**How do you pardon the idol-worshippers when they continue to remain as idol-worshippers even though they have performed the ritual prayer? (9:4-6)**

The premise of your question reflects dearth of knowledge about the Quran. A person performing the ritual contact prayer can be an idol worshipper. Such individuals were there at the time of Prophet Muhammad, and they are among us (8:35, 9:54) now. A claim of being a Muslim does not make one a believer (49:14). There are believers among those who claim to be Muslims, Christians or Jews; as well as idol worshippers amongst them.

[9:4] If the idol worshipers sign a peace treaty with you, and do not violate it, nor band together with others against you, you shall fulfill your treaty with them until the expiration date. GOD loves the righteous.
[9:5] Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
[9:6] If one of the idol worshipers sought safe passage with you, you shall grant him safe passage, so that he can hear the word of GOD, then send him back to his place of security. That is because they are people who do not know.

** How are idol-worshippers to perform the ritual prayer?**

Verses 8:35 and 9:54 mention idol worshippers at the time of Prophet Muhammad performing prayers. Most Muslims performing prayers today violate 72:18 and bring in names other than God in their prayers.

** How did the Prophet lead the ritual prayers for the non-believers according to (your reading of) 4:101-102?
Surely the disbelievers are your manifest enemy, And when you are in their midst you shall lead them in Solaa (ritual prayer?) (4:101-102)
In-naal kafirin nakanu lakum ‘aduwun mubin, wa-izza konta fi-hem fa-aqom-ta lahum solaa-ta (4:101-102)**

There is no confusion in the verses which deals with a war situation. The Prophet did not lead the prayers for non-believers.

[4:101] When you travel, during war, you commit no error by shortening your Contact Prayers (Salat), if you fear that the disbelievers may attack you. Surely, the disbelievers are your ardent enemies.
[4:102] When you are with them and lead the Contact Prayer (Salat) for them, let some of you stand guard; let them hold their weapons, and let them stand behind you as you prostrate. Then, let the other group that has not prayed (yuṣallū) take their turn praying with you, while the others stand guard and hold their weapons. Those who disbelieved wish to see you neglect your weapons and your equipment, in order to attack you once and for all. You commit no error, if you are hampered by rain or injury, by putting down your weapons, so long as you remain alert. GOD has prepared for the disbelievers a shameful retribution.

** How can the ritual prayer of the Prophet console people or make them happy? (9:103)**

[9:103] Take from their money a charity to purify them and sanctify them. And encourage (waṣalli) them, for your encouragement (salataka) reassures them. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.

** When you are in sudden disaster or facing sudden death, how can the two strangers who are to be witnesses (and who may not know anything about the Arab religion) perform the ritual prayer before swearing to God that they will be truthful? (5:106)**

You overlooked or deliberately set aside, ‘O you who believe’ who will do the contact prayers.

[5:106] O you who believe, witnessing a will when one of you is dying shall be done by two equitable people among you. If you are traveling, then two others may do the witnessing. After observing the Contact Prayer (Salat), let the witnesses swear by GOD, to alleviate your doubts: “We will not use this to attain personal gains, even if the testator is related to us. Nor will we conceal GOD’s testimony. Otherwise, we would be sinners.”

** How did all the people of a town and those living in the surrounding areas preserve their ritual prayer (wa hum alaa Solaa-tihim haafizuun) as soon as they heard the message of the Reading (6:92)? It may have included non-believers, Christians or Jews.**

Religious duties have been with us since Prophet Abraham (2:125-128). He is the one who named (22:78) us Muslims (Submitters) and Prophet Muhammad was his follower. Other messengers and prophets performed the religious duties including salat as the Quran points out in numerous verses.

This too is a blessed scripture that we have revealed, confirming the previous scriptures, that you may warn the most important community and all those around it. Those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in this (scripture) and will observe the Contact Prayers (Salat). 6:92

** Why is it that yuSollu means ritual prayer in 4:102 but in 33:56 it means honour and support?**

GOD and His angels help and support (yuṣallūna) the prophet. O you who believe, you shall help and support him (ṣallū), and regard him as he should be regarded. 33:56

.. . Then, let the other group that has not prayed (yuṣallū) take their turn praying with you, while the others stand guard and hold their weapons…4:102

** Likewise, how does the word yuSollee in 3:39 turn into ritual prayer while in 33:43 it is said to mean honour?**

The angels called him when he was praying (yuṣallī) in the sanctuary: “GOD gives you good news of John; a believer in the word of GOD, honorable, moral, and a righteous prophet.” 3:39

He is the One who helps you (yuṣallī), together with His angels, to lead you out of darkness into the light. He is Most Merciful towards the believers. 33:43

** Solluu in 33:56 and Sollee in 9:103 have come to mean honour and supplication. In 75: 31 and in 96:10 the word Solaa is said to mean ritual prayer. Why is that?**

For he observed neither the charity, nor the contact prayers (ṣallā). 75:31

Others from praying (ṣallā)? 96:10

… And encourage (waṣalli) them, for your encouragement (salataka) reassures them …9:103

** How do the birds in the sky and everything between the heavens and the earth (including frogs, termites and trees, for example) perform their ritual prayer? (24:41)**

Do you not realize that everyone in the heavens and the earth glorifies GOD, even the birds as they fly in a column? Each knows its prayer (ṣalātahu) and its glorification. GOD is fully aware of everything they do. 24:41

The answer – when you learn their language you will understand (21:79, 27:16, 34:10, 38:19).

** How could the ritual prayer (Solaa-tuka) of Shuaib in 11:87 have changed the economic system of the people?**

They said, “O Shu`aib, does your religion (aṣalatuka) dictate upon you that we must abandon our parents’ religion, or running our businesses in any manner we choose? Surely, you are known for being clement, wise.” 11:87

The contact prayers prohibit evil and vice.

You shall recite what is revealed to you of the scripture, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), for the Contact Prayers prohibit evil and vice. But the remembrance of GOD (through Salat) is the most important objective. GOD knows everything you do. 29:45

** Why are the same Solaa-waatee in 2:238 (‘guard your ‘Solaawaatee’) and 9: 99 (the Messenger’s Solaa-waatee) understood differently?**

You shall consistently observe the Contact Prayers (l-ṣalawāti), especially the middle prayer, and devote yourselves totally to GOD. 2:238

Some Arabs consider their spending (in the cause of God) to be a loss, and even wait in anticipation that a disaster may hit you. It is they who will incur the worst disaster. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient. Other Arabs do believe in GOD and the Last Day and consider their spending to be a means towards GOD, and a means of supporting (waṣalawāti ) the messenger. Indeed, it will bring them nearer; GOD will admit them into His mercy. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. 9:98-99

• Why are the same words Solaa-waa-tun in 2:157 (ulaa ika alaihim Solaa-waatun) and 22:40 (wa Solaa-waatun, wa masaa-jidu) stated with different meanings?

These have deserved blessings (ṣalawātun) from their Lord and mercy. These are the guided ones. 2:157

They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, “Our Lord is GOD.” If it were not for GOD’s supporting of some people against others, monasteries, churches, synagogues (waṣalawātun), and masjids – where the name of GOD is commemorated frequently – would have been destroyed. Absolutely, GOD supports those who support Him. GOD is Powerful, Almighty. 22:40

** Is there anyone performing the ‘ritual prayer’ by controversial talk and rebellion (Solaa-tuhum ‘indal baiti mukaan wa tashdiyyan) anywhere in the world? If so, where and how? (8:35)**

This ritual prayer was indeed performed at the time of Prophet, providing Quranic evidence that salaat existed prior to Prophet Muhammad.

Their Contact Prayers (Salat) at the shrine (Ka`bah) were no more than a mockery and a means of repelling the people (by crowding them out). Therefore, suffer the retribution for your disbelief. 8:35

** How did the word muSollan (singular) evolve to mean location or place for performing ritual prayer in 2:125 when the same word muSollin (plural) is understood as the people who perform the ritual prayer in 107:4?**

We have rendered the shrine (the Ka`aba) a focal point for the people, and a safe sanctuary. You may use Abraham’s shrine as a prayer house (muṣallan -singular). We commissioned Abraham and Ismail: “You shall purify My house for those who visit, those who live there, and those who bow and prostrate.” 2:125

And woe to those who observe the contact (lil’muṣallīna – plural) prayers (Salat) – 107:4


**No modern Arab or scholar of the Arab religion can provide intelligent answers to these basic questions**

** Is the stone house in Mecca God’s house or baytul-lah?**

[14:35-40] Recall that Abraham said, “My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and protect me and my children from worshiping idols.
[14:36] “My Lord, they have misled so many people. As for those who follow me, they belong with me. As for those who disobey me, You are Forgiver, Most Merciful.
[14:37] “Our Lord, I have settled part of my family in this plantless valley, at Your Sacred House (BAYTIKA). Our Lord, they are to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), so let throngs of people converge upon them, and provide for them all kinds of fruits, that they may be appreciative.
[14:38] “Our Lord, You know whatever we conceal and whatever we declare – nothing is hidden from GOD on earth, nor in the heavens.
[14:39] “Praise be to GOD for granting me, despite my old age, Ismail and Isaac. My Lord answers the prayers.
[14:40] “My Lord, make me one who consistently observes the Contact Prayers (Salat), and also my children. Our Lord, please answer my prayers.

**Why is God not inside His house – or is He?**

This is a stupid question. While the author insists, we answer his questions based on the Quran, he delves into fringe beliefs of some to make his point. The answer to his question is ‘no.’

** Why do they have to bow and prostrate to the rocks carved by the Arab?**

We have rendered the shrine (the Ka`aba) a focal point for the people, and a safe sanctuary. You may use Abraham’s shrine as a prayer house. We commissioned Abraham and Ismail: “You shall purify My house for those who visit, those who live there, and those who bow and prostrate.” 2:125

The Kaba is a focal point that Muslims have an organized focal point to face when performing Salat.

** Are they prostrating to God or to the rocks?**

They prostrate to God.

** Why do they walk around the house and in an anti-clockwise direction?**

Will you ask the same question if they walked clock-wise?

** If they are prostrating to God and not the rock hunk, can we move the stone structure to Japan, Australia, Canada, Mexico or other countries?**

Muslims worldwide prostrate to God and the direction faced makes it organized.

Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in GOD, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to free the slaves; and they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat); and they keep their word whenever they make a promise; and they steadfastly persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and war. These are the truthful; these are the righteous. 2:177

** Would their pilgrimage ritual and their five daily ritual prayers be nullified without making the rock hunk as their focal point**

The answer is ‘no’ and it has nothing to do with a rock. Thanks for the acknowledgement of Focal Point.

Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State

Tarek Fatah provides historical evidence, from the time of Prophet Muhammad to the present, of the illusion of an Islamic State. He also points outs that most Muslims would individually prefer to live in the state of islam (submission to God) rather than an Islamic State.

O you who believe, you shall embrace total submission (islam); do not follow the steps of Satan, for he is your most ardent enemy. [2:208]

If GOD renders one’s heart content with Submission (islam), he will be following a light from his Lord. Therefore, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against GOD’s message; they have gone far astray. [39:22]

Moreover, Abraham exhorted his children to do the same, and so did Jacob: “O my children, GOD has pointed out the religion for you; do not die except as submitters (muslims).” [2:132]

Had you witnessed Jacob on his death bed; he said to his children, “What will you worship after I die?” They said, “We will worship your god; the god of your fathers Abraham, Ismail, and Isaac; the one god. To Him we are submitters (muslims).” [2:133]

Say, “We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters (muslims).” [3:84]

Indeed, the Quran is explicit that an individual has the freedom to make a decision to be a submitter (muslim) and practice the religion of submission (islam) to God.

Tarek Fatah correctly points out that there is nothing in the Quran which even remotely advocates an Islamic State. Neither is there anything in the Quran which allows an individual to accept any source of law (sharia) other than God’s words in the Quran.

  • The Quran is a fully detailed scripture per 6:11410:37
  • The Quran is the only source of law or the only criterion per 6:114
  • The words of God in the Quran are complete per 6:115
  • No words can abrogate God’s words in the Quran per 6:115 and 10:37
  • Quran is Hadith per 7:18512:11139:2345:652:3468:4477:50
  • The Quran is the only acceptable Hadith per 77:5045:67:185
  • The Arabic word sunnah (system) refers only to God’s sunnah and never as the Prophet’s sunnah per 17:7733:6248:23
  • That God is the Teacher of the Quran per 55:2

The above is not acceptable to most who call themselves ‘Muslims’ whether they consider themselves Sunni, Shia or any other sect. The above is not acceptable to the Wahhabis, Salafis, Muslim Brotherhood or the followers of Sayyid Qutb or Abul A’la Maududi.

Belief in God dictates that a person believes God. The Quran, a proven scripture, stands on its own. Worshipping God alone mandates that only God’s words be upheld as the source of law. The path out of misery for Muslims around the world is to believe, accept, obey and submit to God’s words in the Quran. The illusion of an Islamic state will vanish with the acceptance of the Quran as complete, perfect and fully detailed.


Tareq Fatah’s book is well written and researched. Part one of the book covers the theology of an Islamic State with Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia as examples of woeful states. He examines the mixing of Islamism and Marxism to the Palestine case as weakening of their cause.

Part two covers period after Prophet Muhammad’s death and subsequent empires in Damascus, Cardoba and Baghdad. He correctly points out that the empire flourished in Damascus, Cardoba and Baghdad because of freedom  – God’s gift to mankind in the Quran (2:256, 18:29).

We, however, take issue with history at the time of Prophet Muhammad and the ‘Rightly Guided Caliphs.’ This period and history is presented well by Dr. Fred Donner and his research.

Part three of the book explores Hijab, Jihad and Sharia as understood by the Muslims with that understanding having no support whatsoever in the Quran.

Tareq Fatah ends the book cautioning the West about the Islamists agenda (which has no support in the Quran).


Sayyid Qutb published Milestones (Ma’alim fi al-Tariq) in 1964 in Egypt. His book together with Abul A’la Maududi writings in the Indian Sub-continent forms a basis for radical Islam with the illusion of an Islamic state.

According to Sayyid Qutb the Muslims have reverted to Jahiliyyah (“The state of ignorance prior to the revelation of the Quran”).

Sayyid Qutb’s book is an abysmal failure when it comes to upholding God’s words in the Quran. Indeed, BELIEF in God dictates that we BELIEVE what God’s says in the Quran.


Sayyid Qutb uses the Arabic word ‘Islam’ as a name rather than the correct meaning of the word as a description ‘Submission (to God)’. Thus, he states right up front, ‘Islam stands for change.’ Islam means submission to God and certainly a change will come to any individual who submits to God alone.


The concept of upholding the Quran alone, which is complete, and the only source of law is alien to Sayyid Qutb. He ignores various Quran verses which state that the Quran is Hadith, the only acceptable hadith and that we cannot follow any other hadith other than the Quran itself.

Thus, from the very beginning of the book, Sayyid Qutb associates (shirk) the Quran with ‘teachings of Muhammad’ in Hadith and the ‘practical training’ given to the companions of the prophet. Per the Quran, God is the Teacher of the Quran and there are multiple verses which state that God explains the Quran and none which state that the messenger explains the Quran. In addition, there is nothing in the Quran about following of laws other than from the Quran itself.

In his book he mentions verse 9:31

[9:31] They have set up their religious leaders and scholars as lords, instead of GOD. Others deified the Messiah, son of Mary. They were all commanded to worship only one god. There is no god except He. Be He glorified, high above having any partners.

In the book, the verse is translated as “They (the people of the Book) have taken their rabbis and priests as lords other than God.” Then he quotes a hadith:

‘I said, “They do not worship their priests.” God’s Messenger replied, “Whatever their priests and rabbis call permissible, they accept as permissible; whatever they declare as forbidden, they consider as forbidden, and thus they worship them.”’

Sayyid Qutb then comments, “the explanation of the above verses by the Prophet … makes it clear that obedience to laws and judgements is a sort of worship. It is taking some men as lord over others” .. “and it declares that all people of the earth should become free or servitude to anyone but God.”


To Sayyid Qutb, the Muslims must follow Sharia. The Sharia was written 200 years after the death of the prophet and the revelation of the Quran and after numerous civil wars. There are four ‘schools’ in the Sunni sect. This Sharia (religious law) was written by religious scholars and leaders. Following these laws will certainly qualify as obedience to laws and judgements of humans, instead of GOD per 9:31 above, thus committing idolatry. In addition, the Quran is complete, perfect, fully detailed and the only source of law.

History was rewritten after 200+ years after the revelation of the Quran to suit the political and religious interests of rulers. Islam as understood and dictated 200-300 years after Prophet Muhammad; was projected to day one.

[34:53] They have rejected it in the past; they have decided instead to uphold conjecture and guesswork.

The Christians uphold a trinity created by the Nicene Conference, 325 years after Jesus. The Talmud was written centuries after the revelation of the Torah. Sayyid Qutb and most of the traditional Muslims insist we follow Shariah, written 200-300 years after the revelation of the Quran, rather than God’s words in the Quran.

Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origins of Islam

At the time of the revelation of the Quran, Prophet Muhammad, his followers, together with those who were Jewish, Christians and anyone who believed in God, lead a righteous life and believed in the Last Day and constituted a Community of Believers.

“Islam” as a separate and distinct named religion was started 65-75 years after the death of the Prophet.

Historians wrote Islamic history 200-300 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad and projected their corrupted and fabricated beliefs of that day, to day one of Prophet Muhammad.

[2:62] Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who believes in GOD, and believes in the Last Day, and leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. [2:62, 5:69]

The question for Dr. Donner’s and numerous historians research is how were the Arabs able, within a few years after the death of Prophet Mohammad in 632, explode into an empire which stretched from Egypt, Syria and near the borders of Afghanistan, specifically when neither of those empires had any interest in Arabia since there was nothing there. The Persian empire was completely overthrown, and big chunks of the Roman Empire were taken.

Historians generally give four causes for the collapse of the empires.

  • Two empires were battling each other for years
  • Economic issues
  • Zeal for a new religion
  • God was on the side of the Arabs

We know that God controls everything. As a historian, Dr. Donner rejected the above reasons as historical evidence does not support provide support. The Arab conquest is archaeologically invisible, which means that there is no historical evidence of siege or destruction. In other words, there is no evidence that “Islamic expansion was spread by sword.”


Historians, look at the following sources to accurately depict history:

  • Documents of that period
  • Archaeology – study of human activity through the recovery and analysis of material culture such as coins and pottery from that period
  • Philology – the branch of knowledge that deals with the structure, historical development, and relationships of a language or languages. A philologist can determine the time period of a written document based on the various aspects of a language at a certain period.
  • Corroboration of documents

In his research, Dr. Donner found and historians agree that there are no documents from the time of Prophet Mohammad or his companions except for two – the Quran and a letter (Mīthāq al-Madīnah) which is considered as the ‘constitution of Medina.’ The well-documented Islamic history, as historians’ state, simply does not exist and is pure fiction.

Having determined that there are no other documents, Dr. Donner studied the Quran alone without any outside influence. If you listen to his videos, it is obvious that he is fluent in Arabic.

Here are his conclusions about the Quran:


The Quran is addressed to the believers (mu’minun) and specifically to “O you who believe.”

There are 89 verses with the phrase ‘O you who believe,’ 173 verses contain the word, ‘believers’ while only 31 verses have ’submitter (muslim)’ and ‘submission (islam)’ is in 12 verses. All our religious duties and various laws in the Quran are directed to “O you who believe.”

Referring to 49:14-15, Dr. Donner points out that Muslim and Believer are not equal but that some Muslims can be believers. With the Quran addressed primarily to “O you who believe,” Prophet Muhammad and the early followers were a community of believers.

[49:14] The Arabs said, “We are Mu’mens (believers).” Say, “You have not believed; what you should say is, `We are Muslims (submitters),’ until belief is established in your hearts.” If you obey GOD and His messenger, He will not put any of your works to waste. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[49:15] Mu’mens (believers) are those who believe in GOD and His messenger, then attain the status of having no doubt whatsoever, and strive with their money and their lives in the cause of GOD. These are the truthful ones.


The Quran mentions ‘People of the scripture’ and clearly states that some of them are believers

[3:113] They are not all the same; among the followers of the scripture, there are those who are righteous. They recite GOD’s revelations through the night, and they fall prostrate.

[3:114] They believe in GOD and the Last Day, they advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and they hasten to do righteous works. These are the righteous.

Both Judaism and Christianity are considered monotheistic religions. The Christians and Jews bowed and prostrated like the believers at that time in greater number then at this period. Some Christians and Jews still do. Both accept a series of prophets and scriptures. The Roman or the Byzantine empire was predominantly Christians and Jews. Zoroastrians are also considered monotheistic and were the citizens of the Persian empire. They all had common beliefs of God, being pious in this life and belief in the Day of Judgement.


The second document from the time of Prophet Muhammad is from the year 622, when he migrated from Mecca to Medina. He was invited as an arbiter of disputes, who, as an autonomous arbiter would run affairs. This document called ‘Constitution of Medina’ uses a letter form never used after the 7th century. This is where philology comes into play. The big take-away from this document is the evidence that Jewish tribes were considered part of the Ummah or part of the community of believers.

Thus, the community of believers were Prophet Muhammad, his followers as well as the Jews and Christians. This is different from the traditional description of the followers of Muhammad as “Muslims” adhering to the religion of “Islam.”


Dr. Donner, calls these believers a ‘monotheistic revival movement’ and ‘monotheistic believers’ movement.’

Dr. Donner’s explanation of the explosion of the Arab conquest and the collapse of the Persian and Roman empires is the growth of ‘monotheistic believer’s movement’ in which communities joined the believers’ movement. The citizens preserved their religion, culture and freedom. There was no (forced) conversion as the basic beliefs were the same.

It will not be out of line to state that all of God’s messengers revived a “Monotheistic Believers movement.”

We know that per 7:172 all of us given the instinct to worship God alone.

[7:172] Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: “Am I not your Lord?” They all said, “Yes. We bear witness.” Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, “We were not aware of this.”

Certainly, the believers had an army but there was peaceful capitulation (to the believers). There is no evidence of destruction, siege was very rare and there is no trace of conquest. Archaeologically, the expansion is invisible as there is no material record of destruction. The new citizens simply started paying taxes to the new state while maintaining their religion and culture.

This conclusion by Dr. Donner for the first 65 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad is based on the following evidence.

The leader of the community of believers was called ‘Commander of the believers’ – Amir ul mu’minun. He was not called Caliph or Khalifa nor leader of Muslims.

Documents and coins of that period refer to “In the Jurisdiction of Believers”

There are corroborating documents from non-Islamic sources referring to the leader of the new empire as Amir ul mu’minun. These documents are from emissaries who visited the new empire and reported back.

Christians and Jews served in the army and administration from the lowest levels to the highest. St John of Damascus served (described best in modern terms) as Prime Minister for the ‘Commander of the believers.’ St John of Damascus is revered as a great Christian and saint in Christianity.

There is archaeological evidence of the same building near Jerusalem being utilized as Church and Mosque. The building had a (south) Mehrab and a (east) Niche. This was discovered only 10-15 years ago.

The Umayyad Mosque or the Great Mosque of Damascus was at one-point half Church and half mosque.

Here is one form of evidence – Coins. Credit to for the images.


65 – 75 years after Prophet Mohammad a separate religion was started by giving importance to Prophet Muhammad, making him fundamental and utilizing words from the Quran.

Caliph was introduced from the Quranic word Khalifa (which means representative / successor) from verse 38:26 (O David, we have made you a ruler on earth). The goal was to divine authority on the ruler as Amir ul mu’minun is not in the Quran. Amir ul mu’minun was used for a few centuries. Later historians, however, rewrote history and named all heads of state as Caliphs going to the very beginning.

Emphasis on Mohammad was started. We see the origination of what Dr. Donner calls the double shahada. Coin evidence on slides. proudly proclaims that we see the complete (double) shahaada for the first time in 73 AH.

The Dome of Rock was constructed with Quranic of verses on trinity to emphasize the difference between Muslims & Christians

A change was made from co-existence of believers to newly defined Muslims only. There was narrowing of boundaries as Christians and Jews were excluded. Only those who followed the Quran were considered believers. They equated meaning of believers and Muslims which violates 49:14-15.

Jihad – The word Jihad in the Quran is addressed to individuals. It is considered personal striving, something internal, striving in the way of God, doing good in the community, as well as war (fighting is only one option). Jihad was elevated to mean to wage war in the cause of the state (as opposed to the cause of God). Jihad became associated with military campaigns of the caliph, a duty incumbent upon Muslims rather than an individual and the conduct of Jihad became a monopoly of the State

Fitnah – civil wars were renamed as fitnah (temptation or seduction of the worldly kind). They wanted to show the early rulers as “paragons of virtue” who could not possibly disagree on religion let alone have civil wars. God has blessed us with the knowledge that one of the major cause of the civil wars was the insertion of false verses in the Quran.

Emphasis on era in the Calendar. In the first years only the year was written on coins and documents. Subsequently AH which stands for ‘After Hijra” was introduced together with the year to place emphasis on Prophet Mohammad. There are more than 1000 early coins which have the year only.

Judge –  Qadi, a word from the Quran was introduced as judge. Prior to that the governor, province head or assistants settled disputes. The word Qadi does not appear in numerous documents from Egypt in the first century.

Change was initiated by Abd al-Malik who had become the Amir ul mu’minun in 690. Whether the change was initiated at the top or by others is being researched. Islamization of the State began by terminology derived from the Quran. Only those who followed the Quran, as understood by the state and scholars were considered believers. We already know that they were way off-track when they introduced the double shahaada.

History was rewritten. Islam as understood and dictated 200-300 years after Prophet Muhammad was projected to day one.

The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran

If Robert Spencer had titled his book as a ‘Guide to Islam as practiced today’, the contents of the book will reflect a viewpoint which makes sense. His ‘..Guide to the Koran’ is not a guide to the Koran, but a guide to the words of various humans of his choosing.

Robert Spencer failed to point out the following from the Koran:

  • The Koran is the only source of law or the only criterion per 6:114
  • The Koran is a fully detailed scripture per 6:11410:37
  • The words of God in the Koran are complete per 6:115
  • No words can abrogate God’s words in the Koran per 6:115 and 10:37
  • Koran is Hadith per 7:18512:11139:2345:652:3468:4477:50
  • The Koran is the only acceptable Hadith per 77:5045:67:185
  • The Arabic word sunnah (system) refers only to God’s sunnah and never as the Prophet’s sunnah per 17:7733:6248:23
  • That God is the Teacher of the Koran per 55:2

Thus, Robert Spencer cannot present the Koran on its own but relies on words other than God words in the Koran to draw conclusions about the Koran. He has company for his trickery. Most of the Muslim scholars too cannot accept the Koran on its own. They too, like Robert Spencer rely on Hadith, other than the Koran to draw their conclusions. Yet he claims, “This book is designed to present 100 percent accurate view of the Koran.” Incredible!

Which Hadith, beside this, do they believe in? [7:185, 77:50]
GOD has revealed herein the best Hadith; a book that is consistent, .. [39:23]
The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient. [6:115]

There is a trove of treasure for Western writers like Robert Spencer as well as Eastern writers, in books of Hadith written 200+ years after the revelation of the Koran. Those books are fiction and contain all kinds of nonsense which are utilized in this book and indeed utilized by others like Osama Bin Laden.

As stated above, the Koran is complete and fully detailed as the only source of law.

Let Robert Spencer write on the Koran based exclusively on the words of the Koran!

On the naming of his book, Robert Spencer states, “An infidel, as far as the Koran is concerned, is anyone who refuses to submit to Allah as the one true god and to recognize Muhammad as his prophet”.

This is what the Koran says:

Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the converts, and the Christians; any of them who (1) believe in GOD and (2) believe in the Last Day, and (3) lead a righteous life, have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. [5:69, 2:62]

The Koran gives freedom to the Christians and Jews to follow their scriptures in 5:46-47 and they will be judged upon their scriptures.

Robert Spencer favorite words in the Koran seem to be specifically the out of context words from verse 9:5, “..and seize them, and besiege them and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush.” Needless to say that these verses applied at the time when Prophet Muhammad was alive.

[9:4]  If the idol worshipers sign a peace treaty with you, and do not violate it, nor band together with others against you, you shall fulfill your treaty with them until the expiration date. GOD loves the righteous.
[9:5]  Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
[9:6]  If one of the idol worshipers sought safe passage with you, you shall grant him safe passage, so that he can hear the word of GOD, then send him back to his place of security. That is because they are people who do not know.
[9:7]  How can the idol worshipers demand any pledge from GOD and from His messenger? Exempted are those who have signed a peace treaty with you at the Sacred Masjid. If they honor and uphold such a treaty, you shall uphold it as well. GOD loves the righteous.
[9:8]  How can they (demand a pledge) when they never observed any rights of kinship between you and them, nor any covenant, if they ever had a chance to prevail. They pacified you with lip service, while their hearts were in opposition, and most of them are wicked.

The Koran is clear that we should stand up for our rights per 42:39 and 42:41. The so-called violent verses is addressed here.

There is no support in the Koran for an Islamic State or for political Islam.

Freedom and specifically freedom of religion is God’s gift to humans in the Koran.

There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient. [2:256]

Proclaim: “This is the truth from your Lord,” then whoever wills let him believe, and whoever wills let him disbelieve. [18:29]

Had your Lord willed, all the people on earth would have believed. Do you want to force the people to become believers? [10:99]


Robert Spencer has various segments in the book with the above title. As pointed out above, no hadith (narration) other than the Koran itself can be a source of law. Thus, no comment needs to be made on these segments.


Robert Spencer has various segments with the title, ‘How’s that again?’ seeking to show contradictions within the Koran. He fails hopelessly, as the words of these verses demonstrate. Here is our translation of the verses he refers to as contradicting verses. Anyone can verify the translation and the Arabic in various tools on the web.

There is no abrogation of any words of the Koran

The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient. [6:115]
When we abrogate any miracle, or cause it to be forgotten, we produce a better miracle, or at least an equal one. Do you not recognize the fact that GOD is Omnipotent? [2:106]

Robert Spencer falsely claims that ‘Muhammad did see Allah’

No visions can encompass Him, but He encompasses all visions. He is the Compassionate, the Cognizant. [6:103]
No human being can communicate with GOD except through inspiration, or from behind a barrier, or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills. He is the Most High, Most Wise. [42:51]
Dictated by the Most Powerful. Possessor of all authority. From His highest height. At the highest horizon. [53:5-7]
Are you doubting what he saw? He saw him in another descent. [53:12-13]

Satan is a fallen angel in the Koran

Satan is addressed as an angel (2:347:1115:2917:6118:5020:11638:71) prior to his fall. By definition, a jinn is a fallen angel (18:50).

We said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam.” They fell prostrate, except Satan. He became a jinn, for he disobeyed the order of His Lord. Will you choose him and his descendants as lords instead of Me, even though they are your enemies? What a miserable substitute! [18:50]

Who was the first Muslim?

Another vain attempt to show a contradiction. The English translation of the Arabic word Allah is God. For the Arabic word, Islam, the English word is Submission. The descriptive word Muslims translates as Submitter.

The Koran is clear that every messenger of God advocated the Religion of Submission – the absolute worship of God alone within the confines of the first commandment.

Say, “Shall I accept other than GOD as a Lord and Master, when He is the Initiator of the heavens and the earth, and He feeds but is not fed?” Say, “I am commanded to be the most devoted submitter, and, `Do not be an idol worshiper.’ ” [6:14]

Say, “My Lord has guided me in a straight path – the perfect religion of Abraham, monotheism. He never was an idol worshiper.” Say, “My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to GOD alone, the Lord of the universe. “He has no partner. This is what I am commanded to believe, and I am the first to submit.” [6:161-163]

As Abraham raised the foundations of the shrine, together with Ismail (they prayed): “Our Lord, accept this from us. You are the Hearer, the Omniscient. “Our Lord, make us submitters to You, and from our descendants let there be a community of submitters to You. Teach us the rites of our religion, and redeem us. You are the Redeemer, Most Merciful. [2:127-128]

Allah commands Muhammad to say: “If I am astray, I only stray to the loss of my soul” (34:50)

Say, “If I go astray, I go astray because of my own shortcomings. And if I am guided, it is because of my Lord’s inspiration. He is Hearer, Near.” [34:50]

The Koran does point out mistakes made by Muhammad as well as other messengers (one exception of a messenger with no mistakes listed in the Koran is Jesus). Verse 33:21 is one of the abused verses by the Muslims by which they try to justify the books of Hadith (in defiance of the Koran as pointed out above). We agree with Robert Spencer that millions of Muslims souls are at risk if they look to words other than God’s words in the Koran as a source of law.

The unbelievers once damned to hell

All verses of the Koran describing hell are allegorical. It will be foolish to draw definite literal conclusions by those verses.

They will have no food except the useless variety. [88:6]
Nor any food, except the bitter variety. [69:36]
Is this a better destiny, or the tree of bitterness? We have rendered it a punishment for the transgressors. It is a tree that grows in the heart of Hell. Its flowers look like the devils’ heads. They will eat from it until their bellies are filled up. [37:62-66]

Shirk, the association of partners with Allah

For Robert Spencer to know, idolatry maintained till death is an unforgivable sin in the Koran.

GOD does not forgive idolatry, but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense. [4:48]

The people of the scripture challenge you to bring down to them a book from the sky! They have asked Moses for more than that, saying, “Show us GOD, physically.” Consequently, the lightning struck them, as a consequence of their audacity. Additionally, they worshiped the calf, after all the miracles they had seen. Yet, we pardoned all this. We supported Moses with profound miracles. [4:153]

Allah has sent prophets – “warners” – to every nation on earth

We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of good news, as well as a warner. Every community must receive a warner. [35:24]

They said, “He fabricated it.” Indeed, this is the truth from your Lord, to warn people who never received a warner before you, that they may be guided. [32:3]

The Koran instructs children to be good to their parents

We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. His mother bore him, and the load got heavier and heavier. It takes two years (of intensive care) until weaning. You shall be appreciative of Me, and of your parents. To Me is the ultimate destiny. If they try to force you to set up any idols beside Me, do not obey them. But continue to treat them amicably in this world. You shall follow only the path of those who have submitted to Me. Ultimately, you all return to Me, then I will inform you of everything you have done. [31:14-15]

You will not find people who believe in GOD and the Last Day befriending those who oppose GOD and His messenger, even if they were their parents, or their children, or their siblings, or their tribe. For these, He decrees faith into their hearts, and supports them with inspiration from Him, and admits them into gardens with flowing streams wherein they abide forever. GOD is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. These are the party of GOD. Most assuredly, GOD’s party are the winners. [58:22]

And We did try Solomon..

We thus put Solomon to the test; we blessed him with vast material wealth, but he steadfastly submitted. He said, “My Lord, forgive me, and grant me a kingship never attained by anyone else. You are the Grantor.” [38:34-35]

The Koran tells Muslim men, “Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters)..

Do not marry idolatresses unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an idolatress, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to idolatrous men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an idolater, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed. [2:221]

Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the people of the scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. Also, you may marry the chaste women among the believers, as well as the chaste women among the followers of previous scripture, provided you pay them their due dowries. You shall maintain chastity, not committing adultery, nor taking secret lovers. Anyone who rejects faith, all his work will be in vain, and in the Hereafter he will be with the losers. [5:5]

Muslims should not seek peace when they have the upper hand…

Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of GOD, then die as disbelievers, GOD will never forgive them. Therefore, you shall not waver and surrender in pursuit of peace, for you are guaranteed victory, and GOD is with you. He will never waste your efforts. This worldly life is no more than play and vanity. But if you believe and lead a righteous life, He will reward you, without asking you for any money. [47:34-36]
If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient. [8:61]



[74:30]  Over it is nineteen.
[74:31]  We appointed angels to be guardians of Hell, and we assigned their number (19) (1) to disturb the disbelievers, (2) to convince the Christians and Jews (that this is a divine scripture), (3) to strengthen the faith of the faithful, (4) to remove all traces of doubt from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as well as the believers, and (5) to expose those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and the disbelievers; they will say, “What did GOD mean by this allegory?” GOD thus sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is a reminder for the people.
[74:32]  Absolutely, (I swear) by the moon.
[74:33]  And the night as it passes.
[74:34]  And the morning as it shines.
[74:35]  This is one of the great miracles.

Robert Spencer will be glad to know that the verses above refer to the mathematical miracle of the Koran revealed to the computer literate generation.


Say, “If all the humans and all the jinns banded together in order to produce a Koran like this, they could never produce anything like it, no matter how much assistance they lent one another.” [17:88]

The challenge, Robert Spencer, is to produce a book which sets a standard for literature as well as mathematically structured.


One of the most abused expression in the Koran is the statement about “Ma Malakat Aymanukum”, which translates word for word as “What your right hand possesses”.  


On the contrary, the Koran commands us not to make any distinction among God’s messengers.

Muhammad was no more than a messenger like the messengers before him. Should he die or get killed, would you turn back on your heels? Anyone who turns back on his heels, does not hurt GOD in the least. GOD rewards those who are appreciative. [3:144]

The messenger has believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and so did the believers. They believe in GOD, His angels, His scripture, and His messengers: “We make no distinction among any of His messengers.” They say, “We hear, and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord. To You is the ultimate destiny.” [2:285]

Say, “We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters.” [3:85]


Another falsehood by Robert Spencer. Women issues are discussed in detail here.


It is not a matter of interpretation, Robert Spencer. As mentioned above, Why don’t you write on the Koran based exclusively on the words of the Koran! That will be the first step.

The Koran for Dummies

Sohaib Sultan writes in his book, “As a final message, the Koran provides guidance not only for a specific community or time, but for all of humanity.”

Indeed, he is correct. The Quran provide guidance for all humans.

Sohaib Sultan’s book is titled, “The Koran for Dummies”. Based on the contents of the book, the appropriate title should be, “The Koran, scholars, Hadith and Sunnah for Dummies”.

He states, “At times, to fully understand the Koran, you have to venture to outward sources. The most important of these sources is Prophet Muhammad, the primary interpreter and teacher of the book. Throughout this book, I refer to the sayings of Muhammad to expand on basic ideas presented in the Koran. Sometimes, I also refer to the words of Muhammad’s close companions and famous scholars of the Islamic tradition.”

Thus, Sohaib Sultan, chooses to associate (in Arabic shirk or ‘to share’) God’s words in the Quran with words of scholars to derive meanings of the Quran.

Belief in God dictates that you believe God. Does Mr. Sultan believe God in the following?

  • The Quran is the only source of law or the only criterion per 6:114
  • The Quran is a fully detailed scripture per 6:114, 10:37
  • The words of God in the Quran are complete per 6:115
  • No words can abrogate God’s words in the Quran per 6:115 and 10:37
  • Quran is Hadith per 7:185, 12:111, 39:23, 45:6, 52:34, 68:44, 77:50
  • The Quran is the only acceptable Hadith per 77:50, 45:6, 7:185
  • The Arabic word sunnah (system) refers only to God’s sunnah and never as the Prophet’s sunnah per 17:77, 33:62, 48:23
  • That God is the Teacher of the Quran per 55:2

The first books of Hadith were written 200+ years after the revelation of the Quran and the death of Prophet Muhammad. The source of “sayings of Muhammad” is not Prophet Muhammad but the scholars who wrote the Hadith books.


“In submission to God, people are free through servitude to other people and to their own lower desires (9:31)”.

They have set up their religious leaders and scholars as lords, instead of GOD. Others deified the Messiah, son of Mary. They were all commanded to worship only one god. There is no god except He. Be He glorified, high above having any partners. [9:31]

Some translate “their religious leaders and scholars” as “rabbis/scholars and monks”. The message in the Quran is clear – religious leaders and scholars cannot be made lords instead of God. The very fact that words of religious scholars are upheld as a religious source instead of words of God in the Quran, is setting up the religious scholars as lords instead of God.

“Any commentator or interpreter of the Koran must have mastery of the Arabic language that enables him or her to tap into the Koran’s inner and outer meanings.”

If we made it a non-Arabic Quran they would have said, “Why did it come down in that language?” Whether it is Arabic or non-Arabic, say, “For those who believe, it is a guide and healing. As for those who disbelieve, they will be deaf and blind to it, as if they are being addressed from faraway.” [41:44]

The ‘mastery’ of Arabic language has not helped scholars in believing God in the questions raised above. By God’s grace there are numerous tools in the web for any person to look at various translations/transliterations and words of the Quran, without any mastery of the Arabic language.

“Tafsir means “explanation” or ‘interpretation’”

Indeed, the Arabic word “Tafsir means “explanation”. However, there are 20+ verses which state God explains the revelations (2:2302:2423:1034:265:755:896:466:556:1056:1267:327:587:1749:1110:510:2413:216:8917:1224:1824:6130:2857:1775:19) and none which say the messenger or Muhammad explains the revelations or verses of the Quran. God is the only Teacher of the Quran (55:2) and one of God’s means of communication with humans is through inspiration (42:51). God thus explains the Quran to the sincere.

“Sunnah is Practice or way of Prophet Muhammad.”

The Arabic word sunnah (system) refers only to God’s sunnah and never as the Prophet’s sunnah per 17:77, 33:62, 48:23.

“Islamic scholars argue that the greatest way to praise Muhammad is to follow in his footsteps on the path of living life according to divine will.”

There is no commandment in the Quran to praise Muhammad. Our religion is about God and to worship God alone. All praise belongs to God.

“Keeping circumstances behind revelations in mind.”

Circumstances behind revelations is fiction. The Quran condemns sects (6:159, 30:32, 42:14). The Islamic world is divided into various sects. These sects have no disagreements about the Quran but differ vigorously on their respective ‘circumstances behind revelations’. These ‘circumstances behind revelations’ constitute their respective hadith through which they draw the conclusion they desire about the Quran.

“Abrogation. The Koran recognizes this phenomenon when it says, “None of our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar” (2:106)”

Here is the correct translation of verse 2:106.

When we abrogate any miracle, or cause it to be forgotten, we produce a better miracle, or at least an equal one. Do you not recognize the fact that GOD is Omnipotent? [2:106]

The Quran is explicit. No words of God can be abrogated.

The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient. [6:115]
You shall recite what is revealed to you of your Lord’s scripture. Nothing shall abrogate His words, and you shall not find any other source beside it. [18:27]

“The declaration is that, “I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.””

The declaration in the Quran does not have Muhammad’s name next to God’s. This ‘double shahaada’ was fabricated by the scholars about 70-100 years after prophet Muhammad’s death. Anyone can verify this by searching for early Islamic coins which had the correct declaration which did not include Muhammad’s name.

God bears witness that there is no God except He, and so do the angels and those who possess knowledge. Truthfully and equitably, He is the absolute God; there is no God but He, the Almighty, Most Wise. [3:18]

When they were told, “Laa Elaaha Ella Allah [There is no other God beside God],” they turned arrogant. [37:35]

You shall know that: “there is no other God beside God,” and ask forgiveness of your sins and the sins of all believing men and women. God is fully aware of your decisions and your ultimate destiny. [47:19]

“The fourth pillar of faith is almsgiving, known as zakat. Every financially able Muslim must give to the poor and needy in society once every year.”

Verse 6:141 commands us to give ‘due alms’ on the day of harvest. For most of us the day of harvest is when we get our paycheck. Thus zakat should be paid as we make income. Giving zakat once a year has no Quranic basis.

“Ablution (page 175) – 8 steps”

Mr. Sohaib Sultan lists eight steps for ablution while the Quran lists 4 steps.

O you who believe, when you observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), you shall: (1) wash your faces, (2) wash your arms to the elbows, (3) wipe your heads, and (4) wash your feet to the ankles. [5:6]

The obvious question here is which god other than God has sanctioned the eight steps?

“The Koran describes Prophet Muhammad as a mercy to mankind (21:107) and the best example to be followed in worshipping God (68:4).”

We have sent you out of mercy from us towards the whole world. [21:107]
You are blessed with a great moral character. [68:4]

The messenger of GOD has set up a good example for those among you who seek GOD and the Last Day, and constantly think about GOD. [33:21]

As for the one who maintained her virginity, we blew into her from our spirit, and thus, we made her and her son a portent for the whole world. [21:91]

Verse 33:21 simply refers to Prophets Muhammad’s exemplary conduct in the Battle of Trenches. The battle is mentioned in verses 33:9 through 33:27.

“Prophet Muhammad, who was illiterate…”

Muhammad Wrote God’s Revelations With His Own Hand. He was literate.

“None shall touch it but those who are pure” (56:79)

None can grasp it except the sincere. [56:79]

Only the sincere can grasp the Quran. This verse has nothing to do with touching the Quran.

“Death penalty for adultery”

The Quran does not support death penalty for adultery. This is another example of fabricated laws by scholars.

“Cutting hands for thieves”
“Punishing theft (..only the right hand should be cut-off per the scholars)”

The thief, male or female, you shall mark their hands as a punishment for their crime, and to serve as an example from GOD. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise. [5:38]

When she heard of their gossip, she invited them, prepared for them a comfortable place, and gave each of them a knife. She then said to him, “Enter their room.” When they saw him, they so admired him, that they cut their hands. They said, “Glory be to GOD, this is not a human being; this is an honorable angel.” [12:31]

The same Arabic word is used in 5:38 and 12:31. Obviously the women did not cut their hands (no one can). The Quranic commandment is to mark the hand not cut it off as fabricated by the scholars.


There is no support of Hijab as a covering for women in the Quran.

“The Islamic tradition also believes, like the Christians, that Jesus will return towards the end of time to fight the antichrist.”

This has no support in the Quran and is a fabrication of the scholars.

“All messengers are also prophets, but not all prophets are messengers.”

According to the Quran, all prophets are messengers, but all messengers are not prophets.

“Muhammad’s divine mission:

  • impart revelation
  • purify souls
  • to teach the book
  • to teach the wisdom (sunnah)”

The Prophet’s sole mission was to deliver Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but Quran (3:205:48-5092, 996:1913:4016:358224:5429:1842:4864:12).

“The Quran says that obedience to Prophet Muhammad is in fact obedience to God (4:80).”

Whoever obeys the messenger is obeying GOD. As for those who turn away, we did not send you as their guardian. 4:80

Obeying God and His messenger.


It is decreed that when death approaches, you shall write a will for the benefit of the parents and relatives, equitably. This is a duty upon the righteous. [2:180]

The Quran commands us to write a will. The Quran inheritance laws only apply if one dies intestate (without a will). Unfortunately, the scholars have nullified this Quranic law and the writing of Will in most “Islamic countries.”

… All this, after fulfilling any will the deceased has left, and after paying off all debts. [4:11]

“4:59 for ‘forming a political identity”
“Islamic State”
“These social teachings make it impossible for Muslims to separate their religious lives from social responsibilities (6:162-164). The Koran teaches that such a distinction is wrong, and preaches that not only individuals, but also social institutions, should serve God as a means of producing an equitable society.”

O you who believe, you shall obey GOD, and you shall obey the messenger, and those in charge among you. If you dispute in any matter, you shall refer it to GOD and the messenger, if you do believe in GOD and the Last Day. This is better for you, and provides you with the best solution. [4:59]

Say, “My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to GOD alone, the Lord of the universe [6:162].

“He has no partner. This is what I am commanded to believe, and I am the first to submit.”[6:163]

Say, “Shall I seek other than GOD as a lord, when He is the Lord of all things? No soul benefits except from its own works, and none bears the burden of another. Ultimately, you return to your Lord, then He informs you regarding all your disputes.” [6:164]

There is nothing is this verse or any verse in the Quran that justifies a political identity nor an Islamic state.

“Searching for Rulings and principals
Islamic jurists use four basic sources to extract the laws that form Shariah
-The Koran

The prophetic tradition (Sunnah)
The consensus of the scholars (Ijma)
Juristic analogy (Qiyas)”

The only source to extract laws is the Quran which is complete perfect and fully detailed. Please see the questions posed in the beginning.


Usury is forbidden in the Quran, not interest. The ‘Islamic’ world has created a sham interest free banking.

“However, scholars point out that the greatest reverence Muslims can show to the Koran is believing in the message and following its teachings with complete submission to God.”
“Rejecting the Truth
To be ignorant or truly misinformed about the teachings of the Koran is one matter. But, to understand the Truth of the Koran and to know it to be the word of God, and to still continue rejecting it, is a grave sin.”

We could not agree more. Will Mr. Shohaib Sultan accept and submit to the word of God in the Quran?

“Therefore, the term Muhammadanism, which some people use to describe the Koranic message, is not only incorrect, but also offensive to Muslims.”

…or will Mr. Shohaib Sultan base his religion on human words written centuries after Muhammad and attributed to him… does Muhammadanism seem inaccurate?


Mr. Shohaib Sultan and others who believe like him have a favorite question, “”If the Quran is complete and fully detailed (as claimed by God), where can we find the number of Rak`ahs (units) in each contact prayer (Salat)?”

Here is the answer. The Quran is fully detailed for religious law. The Quran does not detail rituals of religious duties.


We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, using the Quran alone, they run away in aversion. [17:46]

When GOD ALONE is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when others are mentioned beside Him, they become satisfied. [39:45]

Supporting a point of view by God’s words in the Quran



Unfortunately, only some submitters adhere to the above, even though the Quran and God’s messenger are clear and explicit about the above.

[6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.
[6:115] The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
[18:27] … Nothing shall abrogate His words, and you shall not find any other source beside it.

“We are people who follow the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran. Therefore, anybody and this means anybody who brings any information must conform to the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran.  And if anyone, I will underline anyone, who comes up with information that is not confirmed by the Quran, we tell him forget it, we don’t accept it. The criterion is preaching, confirming existing scripture, the Quran and nothing else.” – Rashad Khalifa, Khutba announcing his messengership, April 1988.


Most of us, when we were first given the message, verified directly from the Quran. Thus, for the correct Shahadah, we would look at the words of 3:18, 47:19 and others similar verses of the Quran. We verified certain aspects the great mathematical miracle of the Quran like number of Suras or the number of letters in the Basmallah or the total number of verses in the Quran. We looked closely at the words of 3:81 to be validate that a messenger will come after all the prophets or 33:40 to ascertain that Muhammad was not the last messenger. Newcomers are encouraged and expected to do their homework of verifying from the Quran.


Like all previous messengers, the message of the messenger after the prophets was to worship God alone (39:45). The messenger made it clear that we worship God by upholding only God’s words in the Quran (17:46, 25:30). God blessed us by providing proof that every word of the Quran is a Proven Word of God. The messenger brought forth other information embedded within the Quran by God’s leave like the age of 40, the feud in the High Society, etc. In the February 1990 Newsletter, Dr. Khalifa states, “As stated in 3:81 and 46:9, God’s Messenger of the Covenant does not bring anything new; everything I receive and pass on to you is already in the Quran.”

The messenger summarized the embedded information in his English translation of the Quran. Thus, an Introduction gives a Quranic basis to the Religion of Submission and answers the question, “why are we here?” Appendices in the translation give details of the mathematical miracle of the Quran, proof of messengership and other issues of relevance. As an example, in Appendix 9, the messenger explains God’s divine preservation of religious duties from the time of Abraham to now with the Quran correcting all corruptions in religious duties and associated rituals. Neither Muhammad nor Rashad Khalifa were ‘given’ the steps for ‘how to perform salat’.


Dr. Khalifa states in his Book, Quran, Hadith & Islam:

“Only a little thinking leads us to realize that Quran came to us through Muhammad’s mouth, and DID NOT COME TO US FROM GOD DIRECTLY. Hence the commandment that we shall obey the messenger…for he utters the words of God.

“When we seek “religious” instructions from Muhammad, or any other source beside God, we support Satan in his claim that God needs a partner. Therefore, those who worship God ALONE follow the instructions and teachings of GOD ALONE. As shown throughout this book, God’s teachings are complete, perfect, and fully detailed in Quran.”

Similarly, the delivery of the miracle and embedded information did not come to us directly from God.


What is the point when a submitter, who in the process of accepting the message and verifying directly from the Quran (17:36), like the examples given above, transform from a submitter into a potential submitter who seeks “religious” instructions from Rashad and supports Satan in his claim that God needs a partner?

The answer is very simple. It is the point when one gets away from worshipping of God alone (inability to uphold God’s complete words in the Quran), and therefore that person is stripped of common sense. The following are some examples of stripped common sense of those who cannot give a point of view based exclusively on Quran.

–           They cannot define the word Quran. To them, it is something other that the Arabic Quran given to Prophet Muhammad.
–           They cannot accept that God’s words are complete in the Quran per 6:115.
–           They cannot accept that those complete words are the only source of law per 6:114.
–           They cannot accept that God’s words which make up the book (Quran) provide explanations for everything per 16:89
–           They cannot accept that God’s words in the scripture (Quran) contains the message per 21:10.

–           They cannot accept that God’s words in the Quran are called Hadith (a lowly word according to them) and that we cannot accept ANY other Hadith per 77:50, 7:185 and 45:6. Even though God calls His Glorious words in the Quran, Hadith, they are unwilling to call Rashad Khalifa’s words as Hadith.

–           They consider the messenger’s words in footnotes, subheadings, appendices, etc. as same as or ‘at par’ with God’s words in the 6346 verses of the Quran.

–           They consider the messenger, Rashad Khalifa as infallible and uphold his words as a source of law thus establishing a partner with God (under the guise of ‘authorized explanations’).


The human messenger imparted the message of worshiping God alone in his human words. The messenger’s words comprise of footnotes, appendices, subheadings, audios, videos, books and newsletters.

We can certainly impart the message by giving a potential believer, Dr. Khalifa’s Translation of the Quran, as it contains embedded information including the miracle of the Quran. We can provide the potential believer access to the audios, videos, books, etc.

However, if you worship God alone, can you support your point of view directly by God’s complete words in the Quran? Or do you need a partner to associate (shirk) with God’s words?

The messenger said, “My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran.” [25:30]


None of the above, in any way, means that any of Dr. Khalifa’s work should be cast aside nor does it mean that a thorough study of his should not be done nor does it mean that anyone should be discouraged from study of his works/videos, etc.

It simply means, that when a point of view is advocated, can support from the words of the Quran be provided. The source remains the Quran (Statute Book).  For Statute Law explanations and teachings do not become a source of law.


Admission Test Q&A
Idolatry Q&A
Obey God and His Messenger
Rashad Khalifa on Quran alone
Reversion to Idolatry
Quran Text
Appendices in Rashad Khalifa Translation

Reversion to Idolatry

In just two decades after the Prophet’s death, the idol worshipers who were defeated by the Prophet in the conquest of Mecca (632 AD) reverted to idolatry. Ironically, this time around their idol was the Prophet himself. Such idol worshipers obviously did not deserve to possess the pure Quran.                                 Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Messenger of God, Appendix 24

In three decades after the death of the Messenger of the Covenant a reversion to idolatry is complete. Like before, the idol is the messenger whose message was – worship God alone by upholding the Quran alone. The reversion to idolatry goes hand in hand with the rejection of the Quran as perfect, complete, fully detailed and the only source of law (2:2, 6:19, 6:114-115).

In their delusion, some of the traditional Muslims do not allow any images or statues, lest they fall prey to idolatry. They are oblivious to another form of idolatry (16:20-21, 3:79, 18:102, 9:31, 9:107) – following as a source of law (6:114-115, 18:27) words other than God’s words in the fully detailed scripture, the Quran. Numerous verses of the Quran point this out with verse 6:19 explicitly stating that following any other words as testimony is idolatry.

Thus, the revertors to idolatry cannot accept that the Quran:

  • Is the Arabic Quran which has 6346 verses
  • Has complete words of God which are the only source of law (6:114-115)
  • Is a Statute Book, bound by Statutory Law and which contains the message (25:1, 21:10)
  • Provides explanations for everything (16:89)
  • Is called Hadith and the only acceptable Hadith (77:50, 7:185, 45:6)

In defiance of God and His Messenger, the revertors equate the messenger’s human words in subheadings, appendices, footnotes, audios, videos, etc. as equivalent to God’s words in the Quran. They take the messenger’s human words as source of law under the guise of ‘obey the messenger’ and ‘authorized explanations’. Thus, they cannot answer the following questions which expose their beliefs and their distinct religion.


What is your definition of the Quran?
Do you accept that God’s words are complete in the Quran per 6:115?
Do you accept that God’s words in the Quran are the only source of law and fully detailed per 6:114?
Do you accept that the Quran is a Statute Book per 25:1?
Do you accept that the scripture contains the message per 21:10?
Do you accept that the Quran provides explanations for everything per 16:89?
Do you accept that Rashad Khalifa was a human messenger of God?
Do you consider words which make up subheadings, footnotes, appendices, newsletters, books, audios and videos as words of a human or do you consider them as God’s words?
In the AEVQ, do you consider the properly identified words of the translated numbered verses as separate and distinct from footnotes, subheadings, etc.?
Do you consider the subheadings, footnotes, appendices, etc. as a sources of law?
Do you consider the words of subheadings, footnotes, appendices, etc. to be the same or ‘at par’ with the words of God in the Quran?
Do you accept that the Quran is a hadith?
If God’s words in the Glorious Quran can be called hadith, why would Rashad Khalifa’s words in subheadings, footnotes, appendices, newsletters, books, audios and videos; not be called hadith?

Acceptance that God’s words in the Quran are complete, perfect, fully detailed, only source of law and the only hadith leaves no option but to accept that worship of God alone boils down to upholding only His words in the Quran as the only source of law. Indeed, BELIEF in God dictates that we BELIEVE God. This is not acceptable to those who associate (shirk in Arabic) Rashad Khalifa’s words with God words.


The Mohammedans justify following sources other than Quran under the same guise of ‘obey God and His messenger’. Their sources are called Hadith (narration) and Sunnah (system). The revertors call their additional sources ‘authorized explanations’. They cannot accept the fact that God Himself calls His own words in the Quran, Hadith and admonishes us not to follow any other hadith (45:6).

The following is to demonstrate to the revertors that they don’t obey God, nor do they obey the messenger. This is from the ‘The Great Debate’ video.

Dr. Abdel Rahman Salem: “So, you don’t believe in Hadith and Sunnah. Do you believe in Hadith and Sunnah?”
Dr. Rashad Khalifa: “I believe the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed because God said so in the Quran”
Dr. Abdel Rahman Salem: “And we don’t have to use Hadith and Sunnah at all?”
Dr. Rashad Khalifa: “Does not matter – ANY other source”


When the messenger was alive, the submitters with him would and were expected to treat him as a boss or superior or a person in charge (e.g.: 24:62,63).  The submitters would not take the messenger’s requests lightly. Those wanting to confer with the messenger were obligated to pay to charity before conferring (58:12).  The submitters with the messenger could ask him to judge among their disputes and unhesitatingly accept his judgement. The righteous submitter would readily obey the messenger in mundane daily affairs or not so mundane requests like an invitation to Tucson for a visit.

When it came to religion and worship of God alone, with the messenger, it was always, always the Quran left, right and center. There was never an occasion that we were asked to ‘obey the messenger’ because it was always, ‘what does the Quran say.’ Anyone can verify this from Quran studies and videos. The messenger in various formats including one-to-one talks with submitters consistently reminded us of the following only God’s words in the Quran (6:19, 6:38, 6:114-115, 17:46, 39:45).


As pointed out the messenger, never stated that we should follow him rather than God’s words in the Quran. The revertors have fabricated and innovated the messenger’s words as a source of law calling them ‘authorized explanations’ and under the emblem ‘obey the messenger’.

The revertors then, promptly FAIL to obey the messenger when it comes to the messenger’s own explanations and teachings! Certainly, they have already failed to obey God as pointed out above. (The following is not comprehensive and does not include clear writings by the messenger in the AEVQ, newsletters or his book, “Quran, Hadith & Islam” admonishing us to follow only the words of God in the Quran).


“We follow God. We follow the word of God alone. The principle is very easy – if it is not in the Quran, we have no consideration for it.
…your criteria is the Quran. If it is not in the Quran don’t believe it, no matter who is talking to you. It is a very simple principle. This is what we follow.
But you must be aware of this principle. It is our principle – if it is not in the Quran, I don’t believe it. It may or may not be correct, but if it is not in the Quran, I am not following it.”- Rashad Khalifa, Friday Sermon, 1989 Conference.

“Quran is the final scripture. It is completion of the message.
The Quran is all you need. In fact, God said the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed. If you go to any other source you will be disobeying God.
You devote yourself completely to God alone and devote yourself to the word of God alone, the Quran alone.” – Rashad Khalifa, Essentials of Submission Video.

“We are people who follow the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran. Therefore, anybody and this means anybody who brings any information must conform to the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran.  And if anyone, I will underline anyone, who comes up with information that is not confirmed by the Quran, we tell him forget it, we don’t accept it. The criterion is preaching, confirming existing scripture, the Quran and nothing else.” – Rashad Khalifa, Khutba announcing his messengership, April 1988.

Additional mentions of Quran alone by Rashad Khalifa.


The Quranists fail to follow the Quran, since they cannot accept outside the Quran sources such well-established meaning of words and/or distort Arabic words into something alien. They reject what was revealed before the Quran such as religious duties given to Abraham (2:4).

Thus, some of the Quranists believe in 3 salat based on their corruption of the verse 11:114. Their translation of that verse violates Arabic language and word meanings and no other translation supports their translation.

The Quranists have company in their method of fabrication of God’s only acceptable religion. The revertors similarly fail to accept, outside the Quran generally accepted principles, existing for a millennium. They also go one step further.

(1) They outright reject 6:115. They just cannot accept that God’s words are complete in the Quran (if you get them to define the word Quran in the first place).

(2) They reject the Arabic and English grammar rules of “And” vs “OR”

(3) They cannot accept the concept of Statutory law in existence centuries before Jesus. Unlike Common Law, the source always remains the written law in Statutory law. God has explicitly called the Quran, a Statute Book (25:1).

(4) They defy common sense in seeking to obey a dead messenger (while at the same time failing to obey him). There are two major blunders here – they look to the messenger’s words of explanation as a source for religious law in defiance of 6:114-115 (and numerous other verses) and they seek a dead (16:21) messenger to judge in their affairs (4:65).


The traditional Muslim’s religion is based on the abuse of a handful of verses – 33:56 (praising Mohammad instead of God), 33:21 (Muhammad was a good example and thus you should do what Mohammad did) and 59:7 (Muhammad allows and enjoins).

Christians in a similar fashion abuse a handful verses the most prominent being “only begotten son” written in a later Gospel.


  1. [81:19] This is the utterance of an honorable messenger.

This verse clearly refers to MOC as the footnote clearly points out and provide mathematical evidence. The abusers focus on the word ‘This’ which clearly refers to the Quran as evidenced by 81:27, 69:40, 69:48, 2:252, 28:59 and 98:2 (A messenger from God, reciting Sacred Scriptures). In defiance of the evidence and common sense the revertors believe the word ‘this’ sanctions them to make the messenger’s words a source of law.

  1. [5:19] O people of the scripture, our messenger has come to you, to explain things to you, after a period of time without messengers, lest you say, “We did not receive any preacher or warner.” A preacher and warner has now come to you. GOD is Omnipotent.

This verse clearly refers to MOC and the abusers focus is on the word ‘explain’.  While the verse clearly states ‘explain things’ rather than ‘explain revelations’ or ‘explain verses’; they set aside the fact that there are 20+ verses which state God explains the revelations (2:230, 2:242, 3:103, 4:26, 5:75, 5:89, 6:46, 6:55, 6:105, 6:126, 7:32, 7:58, 7:174, 9:11, 10:5, 10:24, 13:2, 16:89, 17:12, 24:18, 24:61, 30:28, 57:17, 75:19). God is the only Teacher of the Quran (55:2) and one of God’s means of communication with humans is through inspiration (42:51). God thus explains the Quran to the sincere.

[2:242] [21:61] GOD thus explains His revelations for you, that you may understand.
[3:103] …GOD thus explains His revelations for you, that you may be guided.
[5:75] … Note how we explain the revelations for them and note how they still deviate!
[5:89] …GOD thus explains His revelations to you, that you may be appreciative.
[6:46] … Note how we explain the revelations and note how they still deviate!
[6:55] We thus explain the revelations and point out the ways of the wicked.
[6:65] [57:17] …Note how we explain the revelations, that they may understand.”
[6:105] We thus explain the revelations, to prove that you have received knowledge, and to clarify them for people who know.
[6:126] … We have explained the revelations for people who take heed.
[7:32] [9:11] [10:5] …We thus explain the revelations for people who know.
[7:58] … We thus explain the revelations for people who are appreciative.
[7:174] We thus explain the revelations, to enable the people to redeem themselves.
[10:24] …We thus explain the revelations for people who reflect.
[13:2] … explains the revelations, that you may attain certainty about meeting your Lord.
[24:18] GOD thus explains the revelations for you.
[30:28] …We thus explain the revelations for people who understand.

  1. [98:2] A messenger from GOD is reciting to them sacred instructions.

We don’t hear as much about this verse as the MOC translated it as “A messenger from God, reciting Sacred Scriptures” in appendix two.

  1. [21:27] They never speak on their own, and they strictly follow His commands.

Their obvious focus is on the words, ‘…never speak on their own…’ thus providing themselves the authorization to sanction anything the messenger said as a source of law. The farce here is they promptly disregard numerous teachings of the messenger which do not suit their religion (see above).

  1. [42:51] No human being can communicate with GOD except through inspiration, or from behind a barrier, or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills. He is the Most High, Most Wise.

This verse informs us that God communicates to a human through inspiration and through a messenger. God’s communication from behind a barrier only applied to Moses since God spoke to him directly. They disregard God’s communication with humans through inspiration and focus solely a ‘sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills’. The messenger provided us ‘authorized explanations’, is their proclamation. The ‘authorized explanations’ above by the messenger are promptly set aside together with disobeying God’s words in the Quran.

The following verse makes it clear that the Quran provides all explanations.

[16:89] The day will come when we will raise from every community a witness from among them, and bring you as the witness of these people. We have revealed to you THIS BOOK to provide EXPLANATIONS for EVERYTHING, and guidance, and mercy, and good news for the submitters.

  1. [4:150] Those who DISBELIEVE in GOD and His messengers, and seek to make distinction among GOD and His messengers, and say, “We believe in some and reject some,” and wish to follow a path in between;
    [4:151] these are the REAL DISBELIEVERS. We have prepared for the disbelievers a shameful retribution.

[4:152] As for those who BELIEVE in GOD and His messengers, and make no distinction among them, He will grant them their recompense. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

Believe it or not, the revertors use verse 4:150-151 to state that there should be no distinction between God and His messengers thus giving themselves a free pass to treat the messenger’s words and God’s words in the Glorious Quran as equal. Thus, they join the company of the Muhammadans who make the same claim. Verses 4:150-151 deals with those who disbelieve.

7. Abused verses – Obeying the messenger.


Admission Test is a central aspect of the Revertors religion and was never a central aspect of the religion when the messenger was alive. This is for the simple reason that the words ‘Admission Test’, ‘Perfect Health’ and ‘Perfect Wealth’ are not words of the Quran nor are those words in the Quran Index in the AEVQ.

Rashad Khalifa provided a conceptual explanation for tests mentioned in the Quran (29:2, 2:155) with his phrase ‘Admission Test’.

Most submitters do not have a problem with Rashad Khalifa’s explanation that new submitters who claim to believe in God alone will be tested per 29:2 and other verses. In his explanation, primarily in the King of Chaos video (one of the earliest videos produced for the free channel of local city channels), he classifies the three stages a new submitter might go through.

However, the revertors have taken Rashad Khalifa’s words and his explanation and attempt to foolishly and abjectly apply his explanation to the whole Quran. The revertors explain the Quran (or certain aspects/parts of the Quran) in light of what the human messenger said in his conceptual explanation. This is absurd and has led the revertors into setting up a partner with God and into the realm of idolatry.

Most certainly, one is stripped of common sense when they set up a partner next to God and thus shift to the dominion of Satan. Thus, the resultant behavior of revertors as subhuman. Dr. Rashad Khalifa’s niece died of cancer under the age of 40. With terminal cancer she attended two conferences. Some, with beliefs of revertors, did not even extend the courtesy of Salam to her, let alone ask her about her health. Dr. Khalifa’s niece was just example of this subhuman behavior. Other examples include other submitters attending the conference (in similar circumstances like Dr. Khalifa’s niece). The revertors had no qualms in passing judgement of the worst in the Hereafter for submitters who passed away, for according to them, ‘they did not pass the admission test.’ This subhuman behavior was magnified with no consideration of the family and loved ones of the departed.

More than likely, this subhuman behavior by these revertors is reserved for those who claim to worship God alone but exempted for their neighbors or office colleagues who are sick or who lose loved ones.


Admission Test Q&A
Idolatry Q&A
Obey God and His Messenger
Rashad Khalifa on Quran alone
Supporting a point of view from the Quran
Quran Text
Appendices in Rashad Khalifa Translation

Rashad Khalifa on Quran alone


Some Muslims compromise: “If a Hadith agrees with the Quran we will accept it, and if it contradicts the Quran, we will reject it!” Such premise proves that these people do not believe God’s assertions that the Quran is “complete, perfect and fully detailed.” The moment they seek guidance from anything besides the Quran, no matter how “right” it seems, they fall into Satan’s trap (see 63:1). For they have rejected God’s word and set up another god besides God (18:57). Appendix 19

The Quran proclaims that the Quran is complete, perfect, and fully detailed (6:1938114, 115; 50:45), and that religious regulations not specifically instituted in the Quran constitute a religion other than Islam, i.e., Submisssion (42:2117:46). The true believers uphold the Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but the Quran. This principle is confirmed by the Quran’s mathematical code. Verse 46 of Sura 17 proclaims that we shall uphold the Quran ALONE. The word “ALONE” occurs in the Quran 6 times: 7:7017:4639:4540: 12 & 84, and 60:4. All these occurrences refer to God, except 17:46. When we add the numbers of suras and verses which refer to “GOD ALONE,” we get 361, 19×19. This proves that 17:46 refers to “the Quran ALONE.”
Appendix 18

[6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.
[6:115] The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
*6:113-115 Upholding any source beside the Quran reflects disbelief in the Quran (Appendix 18)


I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen, and will put My words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that I command him. If any man will not listen to My words which he speaks in My name, I Myself will make him answer for it. (Deuteronomy 18:18-19)

Even here is Deuteronomy, we see the accuracy of the language. We are not following Muhammad, we are not following Rashad Khalifa, we are not following any human being. And don’t let anybody tell you that. I don’t follow Rashad Khalifa. And you don’t follow Rashad Khalifa. We follow the words of God. We follow God. When people make those statements, they make out of idolatry. They idolize Ali and Muhammad and Hussain and Jesus and Mary and so on. They idolize human beings. We follow the words of God and if Rashad Khalifa says anything on his own, we don’t listen to him. You can listen and use your own discretion. But we cannot follow what Rashad says, we follow what God says, you and I. So, you can see here that God is saying, “If any man will not listen to My word, the words of God, which he speaks in My name, the name of God, I Myself will make him answer for it”. So, the idea of a messenger is not the messenger at all, if the messenger we know never existed, God will find other people to deliver the message. It is the message that is important, the word of God that we follow. You can see the accuracy even in the translation of the older scripture.

The next verse is John 14:16-17, Jesus says:

I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Paraclete – to be with you always: THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH.

Quran is the last message from God. Remember it is the message, not the messenger. The message came and will be with us till the end of the world, this, the Quran. And the Prophet Muhammad was the one who received and delivered it.
–Rashad Khalifa—Introducing the Blue Translation in Quran Study, Tucson, 1989

“We follow God. We follow the word of God alone. The principle is very easy – if it is not in the Quran, we have no consideration for it.
…your criteria is the Quran. If it is not in the Quran don’t believe it, no matter who is talking to you. It is a very simple principle. This is what we follow.
But you must be aware of this principle. It is our principle – if it is not in the Quran, I don’t believe it. It may or may not be correct, but if it is not in the Quran, I am not following it.”- Rashad Khalifa, Friday Sermon, 1989 Conference.

“Principle is – if not in the Quran we do not follow it.” – Rashad Khalifa, 1989 conference speech video.

“In this conference, you’re going to hear lots of views, personal views from many people. Anybody can say anything they want. But your criterion is the Quran. If it is not in the Quran, don’t believe it. No matter who is talking to you. Very simple PRINCIPLE because this is what we follow.” – Rashad Khalifa, 1989 conference.

“God thus teaches us that even contemporary Sahaabah can misunderstand God’s messenger. We must uphold ONLY the Quran” – Rashad Khalifa, SP – July 1989.

“Quran is the final scripture. It is completion of the message.
The Quran is all you need. In fact, God said the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed. If you go to any other source you will be disobeying God.
You devote yourself completely to God alone and devote yourself to the word of God alone, the Quran alone.” – Rashad Khalifa, Essentials of Submission Video.

“I believe That the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed because God said so in the Quran.
Because God says in the Quran that the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed. Question is do you believe God or not? If you believe God, you believe that the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed.
…therefore, if you go to anything else, you are rejector of the Quran. You have rejected disbelieved God.
Quran is fully detailed. God says Quran is fully detailed. Therefore, you don’t need anything else.
The important point is that God says the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed. This is the important point.” – Rashad Khalifa, The Great Debate

“This (Quran) is the textbook. This is the manual” –  Rashad Khalifa, 1988 Conference

“As stated in 3:81 and 46:9, God’s Messenger of the Covenant does not bring anything new; everything I receive and pass on to you is already in the Quran.” – Rashad Khalifa, Feb 1990 SP.

“Our only source must be His Word – The Quran” – Rashad Khalifa, 1988 Conference

“The criterion of obeying the messenger is that whatever he says must be in the Quran and be backed up by what God is saying. If it is not in the Quran, it is your obligation to disobey him.  Actually, in the same Sura it says that. So, the reason when God says ‘Obey God and His messenger’ is because the messenger conveys the word of God.” – Rashad Khalifa, Dec 28, 1989, Q-study #39

“We are people who follow the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran. Therefore, anybody and this means anybody who brings any information must conform to the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran.  And if anyone, I will underline anyone, who comes up with information that is not confirmed by the Quran, we tell him forget it, we don’t accept it. The criterion is preaching, confirming existing scripture, the Quran and nothing else.” – Rashad Khalifa, Khutba announcing his messengership, April 1988.

“We follow only God. We follow only the word of God. As you know, I will be the first to tell you, if it is my opinion, if it is Rashad Khalifa, don’t follow him, because you will probably do the wrong thing. You must be sure you are following God and following the word of God and we will go to any extend to make sure we are following God and the word of God. We are not following the words of any human being.” –Rashad Khalifa, Friday Sermon, 1989 Conference.

“You know that if I tell you tell you anything that is not Quranic, you can tell me to get out of here and I will be the first to denounce that.
This is the final message. Everything is here. And we do not do anything that is not here.” – Rashad Khalifa, 1988 conference.

“If you follow Dr. Khalifa, you are not right. Anybody here, and we all know this, we do not follow any person and we emphasize here we are worshippers of God alone. We follow the word of God alone and if I say anything that is not in the Quran, contradicting the Quran, I am the first one to appreciate alerting me to this because then I am wrong. Nobody follows me.” – Rashad Khalifa – Great Debate

“Why are you disobeying the messenger when he tells you that the Quran is complete and fully detailed, and you should uphold the Quran alone. Why do you disobey him and go to something else? You see in the Quran (…. Arabic), so why don’t you listen and obey Allah and the Rasool?
“…So therefore, you are reciting these verses, if you obey the Rasool you will uphold the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran. If you go to anything other than the Quran, you are not obeying the messenger.” – Rashad Khalifa, The Great Debate

“Our leader is the Quran. Our imam is the Quran. Our guide is the Quran, the word of God. We are worshippers of God alone.” – Rashad Khalifa, The Great Debate.


One God / One Source

Our Almighty Creator commands that QURAN, specifically QURAN, SHALL BE THE ONLY SOURCE of religious teachings.

Furthermore, we are told that THE ACCEPTANCE OF ANY OTHER SOURCES for religious guidance equals the setting up of OTHER GODS BESIDE GOD:

“Say (O Muhammad), ‘Whose testimony is greater?’ Say, ‘God is the witness between me and you that THIS QURAN was given to me to preach it to you, and to whomever it reaches.’ However, you certainly bear witness that you set up other gods beside God (by upholding other sources beside Quran). Say, ‘I will never do what you are doing; I disown your idol worship.'” (6:19)

This profound verse, which happens to be verse [19] of Sura 6, enjoins the believers from upholding or following ANY OTHER SOURCE BESIDE QURAN, and that doing this is equivalent to the setting up of other gods beside God.

In the strictest possible language, we are commanded to uphold Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but Quran.

Repeatedly, we are commanded to uphold Quran as the ONLY SOURCE OF RELIGIOUS GUIDANCE.

Again and again, we are reminded that the following of ANY OTHER SOURCE BESIDE QURAN EQUALS THE SETTING UP OF OTHER GODS BESIDE GOD.

Verses 22 through 38 of Sura 17 represent some of the most important commandments in Quran. Immediately following these verses we find the verse shown below:

“This is some of the wisdom revealed to you (in this Quran), and YOU SHALL NOT SET UP ANY OTHER GOD BESIDE GOD (by following any other source beside Quran). Otherwise, you will be thrown into hell, blamed and debased.” (17:39)


Despite the clear commandments, why do the followers of Hadith & Sunna fail to uphold Quran ALONE?

The answer is provided in the same Sura following the commandment shown on Page 8. Verses 45 and 46 of Sura 17 inform us that those who refuse to believe God and heed His commandment to uphold Quran ALONE are deliberately isolated from Quran. These two crucial verses are shown below:

“When you read the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter an invisible barrier. And we place shields on their hearts, to prevent them from understanding Quran, and deafness in their ears. Consequently, when you preach your Lord IN THE QURAN ALONE they run away in aversion.” (17:45-46)



God says that Quran is COMPLETE, PERFECT, & FULLY DETAILED, and that you shall not seek any other source:

“We did not leave anything out of this book, then all will be gathered before their Lord (for judgment). Those who do not believe our verses are deaf and dumb; in total darkness. God sends astray whomever He wills, and directs whomever He wills in the right path.” (6:38-39)

“Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? (6:114)

“The word of your Lord is COMPLETE in truth & justice.” (6:115)


Obeying the messenger is absolute only as far as the Quranic revelations are concerned.

Obeying the messenger is in upholding Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but Quran.

Obedience is strictly ON CONDITION THAT the source is God through the messenger, and not the messenger who is no more than a human being, subject to errors.

The Quran emphasizes that obedience is absolute when the source is God, while the personal opinion of the messenger may be detrimental to him and/or to those who follow his personal opinions:

“Anything good that happens to you (O Muhammad) is from God. And anything bad that happens to you is from you. We have sent you as a messenger to the people, and God suffices as a witness. Whoever obeys the messenger is obeying God. As for those who turn away, we did not send you as their guardian.” (4:79-80)

Thus, the personal opinion of Muhammad may be bad, or may cause bad things to happen. On the other hand, Muhammad the messenger utters THE WORDS OF GOD, i.e., the Quran, and must be obeyed absolutely. For whoever obeys the messenger is obeying God, and we are to obey the commandments of God, not the commandments of men.


“These are God’s verses; we recite them for you truthfully. In which “Hadith”, beside God and His verses, do they believe in? WOE TO EVERY SINFUL FABRICATOR. He hears God’s verses, then insists arrogantly on his way, as if he never heard them; promise him painful retribution. When he learns anything from our verses, he takes it in vain; these have deserved humiliating retribution. Awaiting them is hell; neither their earnings, nor the idols they had set up beside God can help them; they have deserved terrible retribution. THIS IS THE GUIDANCE, and those who do not believe the verses of their Lord will suffer debasement, and painful retribution.” (45:6-11)

Do you believe God’s verses? Do you believe that Quran is complete, perfect, and fully detailed (6:19, 38, & 114)? Or, do you have to have other sources beside Quran?

Quran is the only “Hadith” to be followed; all other Hadiths are blasphemous and misleading fabrications:

“God has revealed the best ‘Hadith’; a book that is consistent, and describes both ways (to heaven and Hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord shudder therefrom, then their skins and hearts soften up and receive God’s message. Such is God’s guidance; He guides whomever He wills. As for those sent astray by Him, no one can guide them.” (39:23)

“There are those who advocate vain ‘Hadith’ causing diversion from the path of God, without knowledge, and fail to take such actions seriously; these have deserved humiliating retribution. And when our verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly, as if he never heard them; as if his ears are deaf; promise him painful retribution.” (31:67)


Satan succeeded in duping millions of Muslims into believing that obeying God means obeying the Quran, while obeying the messenger means obeying Hadith.

What helped in popularizing this Satanic trick was the general ignorance of Quran among the Muslim masses, and their failure to heed the divine commandments that Quran shall be the ONLY SOURCE of jurisprudence and/or religious guidance.

Only a little thinking leads us to realize that Quran came to us through Muhammad’s mouth, and DID NOT COME TO US FROM GOD DIRECTLY. Hence the commandment that we shall obey the messenger…for he utters the words of God.

When we seek “religious” instructions from Muhammad, or any other source beside God, we support Satan in his claim that God needs a partner. Therefore, those who worship God ALONE follow the instructions and teachings of GOD ALONE. As shown throughout this book, God’s teachings are complete, perfect, and fully detailed in Quran.


In your mind, can God survive ALONE???

Or, does God need Muhammad, in your mind, in order to be commemorated and worshiped???

In your mind, can GOD ALONE survive?

Or, does God need a partner, in your mind, such as Muhammad, Jesus, Mary, or some saint(s)???

Would you be perfectly happy and content if you knew about GOD ALONE, without Muhammad, Jesus, Mary, or any saint, or anyone, or anything?

Are you annoyed by talking about GOD ALONE?

When I keep talking about GOD ALONE, does this annoy you? Do you have to hear other names along with God? Can GOD ALONE survive in your mind?

When I repeat, and repeat, my talk about GOD ALONE, do you feel any repulsion? Or, are you happy and content with the talk about GOD ALONE??? Based on the Great Quranic criterion, as stated in 39:45, your answers to these questions provide the key to knowing yourself, and your destiny.



Admission Test Q&A
Idolatry Q&A
Obey God and His Messenger
Reversion to Idolatry
Supporting a point of view by Quran

Quran alone

Katie Zavadski writes the The Study Quran project is a source of consternation for the Saudi Arabia domination of the majority of English translations of the Quran.

She details in “The American Quran Pissing Off the Saudis” how the Saudis with their Wahhabi branch of Islam have poisoned religious texts across the Arab world, Asia, Europe and North America. They have exported their religious teachers and control mosques worldwide.

The Study Quran  project is similar to the various translations proffered by the Salafis and the Wahhabis.

Both give primary importance to the scholars (dead or alive) words rather than the Words of God in the Quran. The Words of God in the Quran are dismissed in favor of words of their scholars who no doubt provide them with meanings and interpretations to their liking.

Thus the various sects in Islam have no disagreement about the Quran, but will fight and kill each other based on disagreements among their scholars and religious leaders. Thus they fail to worship God alone as commanded in the Quran, but follow religious laws promulgated by their scholars.

Their consequence of not accepting the Quran alone are horrendous  and is reflected in the state of the Islamic world.

[17:46]  We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, using the Quran ALONE, they run away in aversion.

[39:45]  When GOD ALONE is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when others are mentioned beside Him, they become satisfied.

[40:12]  This is because when GOD ALONE was advocated, you disbelieved, but when others were mentioned beside Him, you believed. Therefore, GOD‘s judgment has been issued; He is the Most High, the Great.

[40:14]  Therefore, you shall devote your worship absolutely to GOD ALONE, even if the disbelievers dislike it.