Monthly Archives: December 2023


There are three fatal flaws which form the premise for all conclusions in the write-up by A Muhammad (the writer).


You shall strive for the cause of GOD as you should strive for His cause. He has chosen you and has placed no hardship on you in practicing your religion (l-dīni) – the religion (millata) of your father Abraham. He is the one who named you “Submitters” originally. Thus, the messenger shall serve as a witness among you, and you shall serve as witnesses among the people. Therefore, you shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat) and hold fast to GOD; He is your Lord, the best Lord and the best Supporter. [22:78]

This central verse is neither referenced nor quoted in the write-up!


He decreed for you the same religion (l-dīni) decreed for Noah, and what we inspired to you, and what we decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: “You shall uphold this one religion (l-dīna), and do not divide it.” The idol worshipers will greatly resent what you invite them to do. GOD redeems to Himself whomever He wills; He guides to Himself only those who totally submit. [42:13]

The religion of Noah was monotheism or per 23:23 and 7:159, “… worship GOD. You have no other god beside Him.” This is the same religion as Abraham. The writer diminishes and limits it to Creed of Abraham as he seeks to limit Abraham’s role to “… worship GOD. You have no other god beside Him.” However, Abraham is the one who named us submitters and was taught and given the rituals of our religious duties. Prophet Muhammad was commanded to follow the religion of Abraham which includes the rituals of the religious duties.


The writer writes, “An immediate reference must be made to 6:114 where it is stated very clearly that all the details of our religion are given in the Quran…”

The Quran details religious law in the Quran. Sura 25 is The Statute Book. Even if we take the word ‘Furqan’ as ‘Criterion’, it will still come out as law. The Quran does not detail the rituals of religious duties. These rituals were given to Prophet Abraham and came to us generation to generation from the time of Abraham. There is nothing in the Quran to indicate that any rituals were given to Prophet Muhammad. This falsehood of all details in the Quran (religious law and rituals of religious duties) was initiated by Edip Yuksel. It is laughable to see his demonstration of ‘the steps of salat from the Quran’ in his website. It is also absurd when the writer attempts to give his version of how to do salat.

We are commanded through a religious law to perform salat. However, the rituals of that religious practice were given to Abraham with the Quran only correcting the corrupted practices. 6:38, 6:19, 7:52, 10:37, 12:111, 18:27 are verses which declare to us that the Quran is fully detailed. Verses 6:114-115 make it clear that the Quran is fully detailed for religious law. The Quran is a book of law.

With the fatal error of taking Quran as fully detailed for everything instead of fully detailed for religious law; this individual and others like him make foolish attempts of how to do salat based on 100% Quran and subsequently redefine words like millat-a-Ibrahim (religion of Abraham) to support their erroneous hypothesis.

In light of the Quran (5:101) – with a scan of the 2nd half of the Quran, a conclusion can be made that messengers bring scriptures (57:25, 35:25). Scrutinizing the whole Quran (In light of the Quran), verse 3:81 makes it clear that prophets bring scriptures and that messengers confirm what exists. 3:81 and other verses make it clear that all prophets are messengers and that all messengers are not prophets.

Similarly, verse 6:114 makes it clear that the Quran is fully detailed for religious law. The Quran does not detail the rituals of the religious duties which were given to Prophet Abraham. That is why we (and prophet Muhammad) follow the religion of Abraham.


Deen in Arabic translates as, “Religion; judgment; debt that one owes; lending; transaction; subscribe; observe; requital; faith; law; obedience.”

The root word for millat translates as, “to dictate; to embrace a religion; faith; religion; creed.”


1- The Quranic definition of ‘millat Ibrahim’”

“… uphold the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran…” refers to upholding the Quran as the only source for religious law. The word ‘furqan’ translates as criterion or ‘standard to distinguish between right and wrong.’

Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt. 6:114
Most blessed is the One who revealed the Statute Book to His servant, so he can serve as a warner to the whole world. 25:1

before that, to guide the people, and He sent down the statute book. Those who disbelieve in GOD’s revelations incur severe retribution. GOD is Almighty, Avenger. 3:4

Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book… 2:185.


“The Quran has only three names for Salat.”

This statement by the writer is correct but does not give complete truth or picture. The writer ignores the fact that the Quran has five-time frames for five salats but mentions only three by name.


The first observation is that in all the verses that mention the words ‘millat Ibrahim’ these words are followed by the words ‘he was a monotheist and was not one of the mushrikeen’.

This is not correct. Verses 2:130 and 22:78 are two examples. The writer has an incorrect premise and thus incorrect conclusions.

Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except one who fools his own soul? We have chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter, he will be with the righteous. 2:130


“These words, which were uttered by the prophet Joseph, speak of the ‘millat’ of those who were atheists, they did not believe in God nor the Hereafter. Atheists do not have a religion but they have a creed (atheism).”

On what basis does the writer conclude that the two men were atheists and even if they were what difference does that make. On a more nefarious side, the writer fails to mention verse 12:38 which mentions the millat (religion) of Joseph’s ancestors.

He said, “If any food is provided to you, I can inform you about it before you receive it. This is some of the knowledge bestowed upon me by my Lord. I have forsaken the religion of people who do not believe in GOD, and with regard to the Hereafter, they are really disbelievers. 12:37

And I followed instead the religion (millat) of my ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We never set up any idols beside GOD. Such is the blessing from GOD upon us and upon the people, but most people are unappreciative. 12:38


The writer believes that the word ‘Millat’ in 14:13 does not mean religion. It can only mean religion [Religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods].

[14:9] Have you not heard about those before you – the people of Noah, `Aad, Thamoud, and others who came after them and known only to GOD? Their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they treated them with contempt and said, “We disbelieve in what you are sent with. We are skeptical about your message; full of doubt.”
[14:10] Their messengers said, “Do you have doubts about GOD; the Initiator of the heavens and the earth? He invites you only to forgive your sins, and to give you another chance to redeem yourselves.” They said, “You are no more than humans like us, who want to repel us from the way our parents used to worship. Show us some profound authority.”
[14:11] Their messengers said to them, “We are no more than humans like you, but GOD blesses whomever He chooses from among His servants. We could not possibly show you any kind of authorization, except in accordance with GOD’s will. In GOD the believers shall trust.
[14:12] “Why should we not trust in GOD, when He has guided us in our paths? We will steadfastly persevere in the face of your persecution. In GOD all the trusters shall trust.”
[14:13] Those who disbelieved said to their messengers, “We will banish you from our land, unless you revert to our religion.” Their Lord inspired them: “We will inevitably annihilate the transgressors.
[14:14] “And we will let you dwell in their land after them. This is (the reward) for those who reverence My majesty and reverence My promise.”


The writer believes that the word ‘Millat’ in 2:120 does not mean religion – “Since the religion given to all people is one and the same, there would be no reason why the Jews or Christians would not be pleased with the religion given in the Quran, this is assuming that the word ‘millat’ means religion.”

Per 3:19, the only religion approved by God is Submission (Islam). ‘Only religion’ makes it clear that there are other religions (see the definition of the word religion above). Per the rest of the Quran, it is clear that the approved Religion of Submission mandates the worship of God alone. There is no reason why submitting “the Jews or Christians would not be pleased with the religion given in the Quran”. As we know, the Jews, Christians and the Muslims have divided themselves into sects and have their own religions distinct from what is acceptable in 3:19. This is the exact point of the word millat as religion in 2:120. These sects and their beliefs are doctrines which are the basis of their religion. They are not creeds of their religion as the writer attempts to portray.

The only religion approved by GOD is “Submission.” Ironically, those who have received the scripture are the ones who dispute this fact, despite the knowledge they have received, due to jealousy. For such rejectors of GOD’s revelations, GOD is most strict in reckoning. 3:19
[2:119] We have sent you with the truth as a bearer of good news, as well as a warner. You are not answerable for those who incur Hell.
[2:120] Neither the Jews, nor the Christians, will accept you, unless you follow their religion. Say, “GOD’s guidance is the true guidance.” If you acquiesce to their wishes, despite the knowledge you have received, you will find no ally or supporter to help you against GOD.
[2:121] Those who received the scripture, and know it as it should be known, will believe in this. As for those who disbelieve, they are the losers.


“The word ‘millat’ simply means a creed or a belief, but a religion is a complete and comprehensive set of religious laws which cover all the practices in addition to all the lawful and unlawful activities as prescribed by God.”

On the contrary the word Millat (as per above) means “to dictate; to embrace a religion; faith; religion; creed.”. Millat a Ibrahim or the Religion of Abraham covered all the rituals of the religious practices. Those rituals were given to Abraham (21:73).


Say, “My Lord has guided me in a straight path (deen) – the perfect religion (millat) of Abraham, monotheism. He never was an idol worshipper.” 6:161

The writer objects, “If both words (deen and millat) mean religion, wouldn’t only one of them only be used?”

Both words indeed have religion as one of their meanings. It makes good writing to use separate words for the same meaning in a sentence. The Quran sets the standard for great Arabic writing.

“2- Are we accountable to what was decreed for Abraham.”

The writer acknowledges the practices and the rituals associated with those practices were given to Abraham but bemoans that the Quran does not detail the rituals [see Flaw Three above].

We made them imams who guided in accordance with our commandments, and we taught them how to work righteousness, and how to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat). To us, they were devoted worshipers. 21:73


Based on the following verses (5:44-50) the writer concludes:

  • We must follow the words of the Quran and nothing else.
  • The Quran supersedes previous rituals given too Abraham
  • Different communities were given different rites or methods
  • “…receivers of every Scripture accountable only to what they were given in their Scripture…”

[5:44] We have sent down the Torah, containing guidance and light. Ruling in accordance with it were the Jewish prophets, as well as the rabbis and the priests, as dictated to them in GOD’s scripture, and as witnessed by them. Therefore, do not reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me instead. And do not trade away My revelations for a cheap price. Those who do not rule in accordance with GOD’s revelations are the disbelievers.
[5:45] And we decreed for them in it that: the life for the life, the eye for the eye, the nose for the nose, the ear for the ear, the tooth for the tooth, and an equivalent injury for any injury. If one forfeits what is due to him as a charity, it will atone for his sins. Those who do not rule in accordance with GOD’s revelations are the unjust.
[5:46] Subsequent to them, we sent Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the previous scripture, the Torah. We gave him the Gospel, containing guidance and light, and confirming the previous scriptures, the Torah, and augmenting its guidance and light, and to enlighten the righteous.
[5:47] The people of the Gospel shall rule in accordance with GOD’s revelations therein. Those who do not rule in accordance with GOD’s revelations are the wicked.
[5:48] Then we revealed to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them. You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD’s revelations, and do not follow their wishes if they differ from the truth that came to you. For each of you, we have decreed laws and different rites. Had GOD willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He thus puts you to the test through the revelations He has given each of you. You shall compete in righteousness. To GOD is your final destiny – all of you – then He will inform you of everything you had disputed.
[5:49] You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD’s revelations to you. Do not follow their wishes, and beware lest they divert you from some of GOD’s revelations to you. If they turn away, then know that GOD wills to punish them for some of their sins. Indeed, many people are wicked.
[5:50] Is it the law of the days of ignorance that they seek to uphold? Whose law is better than GOD’s for those who have attained certainty?

One may write a thesis based on incorrect assumptions. The writer succeeds well in that. As pointed out in the beginning, the Quran is a book of law, a statute book. There is a difference between law and rituals. It is God’s law that we carry out the religious duties, the rituals of which were given to prophet Abraham. That is why at the very beginning of the Quran, believers are defined as those who, besides other attributes, believe in what was revealed before the Quran. What was revealed before were the rituals of those religious practices, given to Prophet Abraham, who also named our religion (22:78). It is precisely why God calls our religion as Religion of Abaraham.

And they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, and with regard to the Hereafter, they are absolutely certain. 2:4

Verses 5:44-50 deal with judgements and rulings. The commandment is to rule, or judge based on the scripture. The Jews are commanded to rule based on the Torah, while the Christians with the Gospel and the Muhammad (Muslims) with the Quran. And indeed, the Quran supersedes the previous scripture as the final arbiter of religious law.

Indeed, verses 5:48 points out different rites for the people of the scripture, an example of which is sabbath decreed for the Christians and Jews (16:124), descendants of Isaaq. [See also 22:67-72 referred to the writer]. We also have the descendants of Ismael for whom the rite of sabbath was not decreed. All the descendants of Abraham were commanded to carry out religious duties.

Thus the writer is correct that we must follow the words of the Quran and nothing else, but he fails to point out (or grasp) that the words are complete for religious law not religious rituals. There is nothing in the verses to conclude that the Quran supersedes previous rituals given to Abraham. While he is correct in stating, “receivers of every Scripture accountable only to what they were given in their Scripture…,” he fails to mention that it is religious law rather than rituals of religious practices (5:12, 10:87).

[22:67] For each congregation, we have decreed a set of rites that they must uphold. Therefore, they should not dispute with you. You shall continue to invite everyone to your Lord. Most assuredly, you are on the right path.
[22:68] If they argue with you, then say, “GOD is fully aware of everything you do.”
[22:69] GOD will judge among you on the Day of Resurrection regarding all your disputes.
[22:70] Do you not realize that GOD knows everything in the heavens and everything on earth? All this is recorded in a record. This is easy for GOD to do.
[22:71] Yet, they idolize beside GOD idols wherein He placed no power, and they know nothing about them. The transgressors have no helper.
[22:72] When our revelations are recited to them, clearly, you recognize wickedness on the faces of those who disbelieve. They almost attack those who recite our revelations to them. Say, “Shall I inform you of something much worse? Hell is promised by GOD for those who disbelieve; what a miserable destiny.”

3- Were the religious practices given to Abraham preserved, and practiced at the time of Muhammad? Were they preserved until today?

Prophet Muhammad learned how to perform salat and the religious practices from his elders as indeed one would presume the writer did. As Quranic verses were revealed, Prophet Muhammad corrected the corrupted inherited rituals. Verses 5:6 and 72:18 are two of numerous examples in which the Quran corrects the inherited corrupted practice. Even today the Muslims can correct their inherited rituals to abide by the Quran corrections with 5:6 and 72:18 as just two examples.

Contrary to the writer’s assertion, prophet Muhammad was commanded to follow the Religion of Abraham. There are numerous verses in the Quran which command us to worship God alone (2:112, 4:36, 8:39, 12:39, 22:31, 39:3, 39:45, 40:12, 40:14, 60:4). It is a futile attempt by the writer to equate millat to creed (“…to follow monotheism and refrain from idol worship…”) when so many verses advocate the worship of God alone and to refrain from idol worship.

The writer also attempts to make a case of “… pure practices as given to Abraham” did not exist at the time of Muhammad. Indeed, all the practices, uncorrupted, did not exist at the time of Muhammad and neither does the Quran make such a claim.
Per 19:59 generations lost the contact prayers. We see the evidence among the descendants of Isaaq, the Christians, and Jews. There are also, in the present day, certain Jews and Christians who carry out salat, as an example, with bowing and prostration.

4- Does the Quran only detail laws that have been changed or corrupted? Is the Quran merely an ‘Amendment book’?

In this section of his write-up, the writer seems to grasp that the Quran is a book of fully detailed law. The crucial factor missing is his conclusion is that rituals which make up religious practices are not part of religious law – they are rituals, not religious law.

The Quran details religious law. The Quran also mentions and provides details of some of the rituals of religious practices. And indeed, we cannot accept any religious law outside the words of the Quran. We accept in accordance with God’s decree and law to practice the Religion of Abraham which details the rituals of the religious practices of our religion.

5- Does the Quran outline only the main concepts while the details are passed down to us from the time of Abraham?

There is nothing much to say here. The Quran is fully detailed for religious law, and the prophet carried on his religious practice rituals as he learned from his elders. When Quran verses were revealed, irrespective of when they were revealed, he would correct his religious practice ritual to correspond with the revealed verses.

6- Do we have any Quranic proof for what was given to Abraham?

“These verses (21:73, 22:27) speak about Salat, Zakat and Hajj in general but do not give the specific details which were given to Abraham in connection to any of these practices.”

“And proclaim that the people shall observe Hajj pilgrimage. They will come to you walking or riding on various exhausted (means of transportation). They will come from the farthest locations.” 22:27

We made them imams who guided in accordance with our commandments, and we taught them how to work righteousness, and how to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat). To us, they were devoted worshipers. 21:73

The verses are specific on Abraham being taught how to observe Salat. We are commanded to follow the Religion of Abraham. We have religious law to observe the religious practices, the details of which were given to prophet Abraham with the Quran clarifying some of the rituals.

7- Should we rely on ‘Universal Acceptance’?

The writer utilizes Dr. Rashad Khalifa’s phrase ‘universal acceptance’ from Appendix 9 of his translation. To remind the writer, the 24434 rakas in salat and 2.5% zakat is universal. It is not the majority.

God’s system of preservation of the rituals is perfect. These rituals have come to us from the time of Abraham with the Quran correcting the corrupted rituals of the religious practices.


[2:120] Neither the Jews, nor the Christians, will accept you, unless you follow their religion (millatahum). Say, “GOD’s guidance is the true guidance.” If you acquiesce to their wishes, despite the knowledge you have received, you will find no ally or supporter to help you against GOD. 2:120

Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except one who fools his own soul? We have chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous. 2:130

He said, “If any food is provided to you, I can inform you about it before you receive it. This is some of the knowledge bestowed upon me by my Lord. I have forsaken the religion (millata) of people who do not believe in GOD, and with regard to the Hereafter, they are really disbelievers.
“And I followed instead the religion (millata) of my ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We never set up any idols beside GOD. Such is the blessing from GOD upon us and upon the people, but most people are unappreciative.
“O my prison mates, are several gods better, or GOD alone, the One, the Supreme?
“You do not worship beside Him except innovations that you have made up, you and your parents. GOD has never authorized such idols. All ruling belongs to GOD, and He has ruled that you shall not worship except Him. This is the perfect religion (I-dinu), but most people do not know. 12:37-40


Abraham was neither Jewish, nor Christian; he was a monotheist submitter (muslim). He never was an idol worshipper. 3:67

Therefore, you shall devote yourself to the religion (lilddīni) of strict monotheism (ḥanīfan). Such is the natural instinct placed into the people by GOD. Such creation of GOD will never change. This is the perfect religion (l-dīnu), but most people do not know. 30:30

All that was asked of them was to worship GOD, devoting the religion (l-dīna) absolutely to Him alone (ḥunafāa), observe the contact prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat). Such is the perfect religion. 98:5