Religious Duties
The religious practices of Submission are a gift from God and our means to attaining certainty: “And worship your Lord, in order to attain certainty.” [Quran 15:99] The religious duties include daily Contact Prayers (Salat), obligatory charity (Zakat), fasting during the month of Ramadan, and performing Pilgrimage (Hajj). more >>
First Commandment (Shahaada)
The first commandment - you shall not worship except God - is the unifying aspect of all religions. Unfortunately, the majority of humans including those who claim to be religiously enlightened are unaware of this commandment. more >>
Refers to the five daily Contact Prayers, which involve a specific ritual that establishes contact with our Creator (God). We receive numerous benefits from observing the Contact Prayers including soul growth, avoidance of vice and evil, and health benefits. more >>
Direction to
face in Salat
The Qibla direction from USA and Canada is East to the slight Southeast for
the following reasons more >>
During the month of Ramadan, Submitters abstain from eating and drinking from dawn until sunset. Besides helping Submitters increase their focus on worshipping God and appreciating the numerous blessings from God, fasting provides a number of physical benefits.
Obligatory Charity (Zakat)
A specific portion (2.5%) of one’s income is paid to a list of specified recipients on the “day of harvest” [Quran 6:141]. Whenever one receives income, 2.5% must be paid to the parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, and traveling alien. “My mercy encompasses all things, but I will specify it for the righteous who give Zakat.” [Quran 7:156]
Obligatory Charity must bemade when we generate income
Eat from their fruits and give the due alms on the day of harvest, and do
not waste anything.s
Pilgrimage (Hajj and Umrah)
Once in lifetime, a Submitters who can afford it observes Hajj and ‘Umrah (a visit to the Sacred Mosque in Mecca). The practice follows the prophet Abraham’s exemplary submission to God alone. While ‘Umrah can be observed at anytime, Hajj must be observed during the four Sacred Months.